The ancestor watched his descendant as she stared out of the window wordlessly. Aiyora remained quiet throughout the duration of the journey. Although Kaname and Seiran briefly discussed some business and financial matters, but since it did not require Aiyora's focus, she did not bother participate. Only turned, when her hand was tenderly held.

"Almost there. We shall reach our destination in about half an hour." Kaname informed and Aiyora only muttered an "Okay."

"You probably would have preferred to stay back at the Aidou-villa. I'm sorry to have drag you along. I promise to wrap up everything in a week, then we can head back."

"You can take your time... ever since Ri-chan left I really don't care."

Her tone showed how upset and displeased she was with her half-sibling's decision. Especially the fact that he left without actually telling her anything. The wonderful experience she had the night before was ruined over few hours if sleep.

"Have you spoken to him, afterwards...?"

"No." Aiyora exhaled in exasperation. She wished he didn't ask that. "He left me a letter... which I'm yet to read."

"Are you saving it for a particular day?"

"No... I don't think I'm ready to know what that letter contains. What if those are his last words to me?"

"You're worrying for nothing. He will be fine." Kaname assured, pinching her nose. It was an attempt he took to lighten her mood.

"Then why do I have this unsettling feeling inside me...? Why does it feel like something bad is about to happen...?"

Kaname was forced to look away. He could not bear the intensity of her gaze anymore.

"...Honestly I do not know what to tell you Aiyora. But I wish I did."

Those were the last words spoken for the rest of the ride.

Following the long duration of drive came a long duration of walk. Not sure how much time has actually passed, but according to Aiyora's calculation they have been walking through the dark underground path for close to forty minutes. If not, more.

His hold on their entwined hand tightened.

"I'm sorry..." He muttered lowly.

The words made her turn and gaze at him in confusion, wondering what that was about?

"What for?"

"For making you take this path rather than the front entrance. Especially when you're wearing those delicate shoes." He pointed towards her footwear, the four inch beige pumps. "I hope you understand it's the safest option at the given moment."

"I get it."

They returned to being quiet for sometime before Kaname started another conversation.

"Would like to go out for dinner tomorrow? There are some nice restaurants in the neighbouring town."

"Tomorrow won't be possible, I made plans. But I'm available the day after."

Kaname squeezed his brows, feeling a little suspicious. Who could she have made plans with? Shiki is away and the rest are at the villa. Maybe her other friends...?

"What do you have tomorrow?" He couldn't stop himself from inquiring. He just had to know.

"Sara-san invited me over to her residence for dinner."

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now