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Miya Atsumu's POV

My boyfriend is sadistic. Do you know how thrilling that is? I mean I'm not sure he is but I just feel it. I feel like he is. That's both terrifying and exciting.

Do you think he's kinky..? Maybe? Because I totally am. I mean I have my secret little box of sex toys, but nobody needs to know about that. I hope he's a kinky sadist, yeah that would be great.

All these thoughts flooded my head as I lie awake on my maybe sadistic boyfriend. He had been asleep although I didn't take a sleeping pill so I woke up. My throat hadn't hurt anymore so that's good. I was shocked when he pressed my head down. I was gonna pull away if he told me to stop again but I liked his solution more. 

I had a sudden craving for chocolate but I was in muscular arm prison. I moved my head to look up at the sleeping boy. He looked rather peaceful. It had been pitch black outside and I had no clue what time it was. I was also kind of cold. Well the bottom half of me. I had only been in boxers. 

He was shirtless so I spent my boredom focusing on that. After awhile I just hadn't felt tired at all. How could I entertain myself? Do you think I could make out with him and not wake him? Probably not.

I thought for a moment before looking at the remote. It had been on the coffee table although there's no way I could get it. I stretched my hand out as much as I could but I wasn't even close. I sighed quietly before raising my leg and burying it between his, in attempt to warm me up. 

I got an idea so I started sucking lightly on his chest. He didn't move so I started using my tongue and taking skin in my mouth. I decided I wanted to leave a really bad hickey so I kept sucking for I don't know how long. My mouth started getting really sore but I kept going. He didn't make much of a reaction.

My mouth got too tired so I let go. The hickies I had from the party disappeared completely not that long ago. When I looked at the mark I left it was completely purple. It had been very dark but I could tell it was purple rather than red. Well in the lighting it looked almost black.

I smiled although my mouth still felt sore. I lightly tried to wiggle from his grip but it just wouldn't work. I could escape easily if I really tried but I didn't want to wake him up. Knowing him he'd stay up until I fell asleep and tomorrow was a Monday so I didn't want him to be tired. Or maybe today is Monday, I don't exactly know.

Usually in these kind of situations I feel trapped and it gives me anxiety although it was fine right now. I liked being in his arms so the situation wasn't terrible. I laid back down and closed my eyes. I began to think about different things. 

I would probably tell Kuroo by the end of the week. I mean it's not that I'm scared to tell him, I just needed a break from all the drama. It was a lot.

Kiyoomi's been doing just fine living here. We haven't fought seriously except for teasing or me just pouting. Although it's usually solved with a kiss. Other than that our relationship has just gotten stronger. I feel terrible for always having him deal with my emotions. They're already a lot for me and 'Samu, I hate dragging it on him. Although he always tells me it's all worth it knowing he's the reason to make me smile again. I thought that was extremely sweet. Whenever I think about it I can't help but blush.

I still felt restless but I didn't mind laying down to just think. I came to think about all my friends and there relationships but came to think about a certain one. 'Samu. I've asked him about what he meant by his heart beats for someone else. He always seemed to get frustrated by the topic so usually I would drop it. He claimed he loved someone who wasn't Suna. He said it felt wrong to love the person. He said it was hurting him to love them. He reassured me it wasn't Kiyoomi without my questioning. 

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