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Sakusa Kiyoomi's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I didn't want to wake up, it was always so hard. I groaned before pushing myself up and taking a shower. The water stung the fresh cuts on my thighs and wrist. In a way it felt good but slightly uncomforting in the morning.

 I then thought back to last night and the mystery person talking to me. They don't seem so bad, I guess they have their own problems. They're popular? I wouldn't have really expected that, the 5 that always come to my mind wouldn't stay anonymous for any reason. They're all too cocky. I don't think it is one of those 5 though. I doubt Motoya would get the guts to randomly talk to them. Although, he doesn't exactly know who anyone is so... maybe? I didn't spend too much time thinking on who they could be. We made a promise, and I'm not one to betray a persons trust.

I come off as rude or cold yes, but in reality if you get to know me I'm a pretty decent person. I care a lot for other peoples feelings which is another reason I push people away. I don't want to get attached to another person who will just disappear out of my life. 

I finished my thoughtful shower before drying my hair a bit and getting some food. I'm lucky the power works. I don't know if I could even live without a fridge. After eating I finished drying my hair and then dressed in a pair of tan baggy pants with a white t-shirt and wore a light weight black  jacket on top, leaving it unzipped. It had been hot for wearing long clothes but I had no choice. It was that or let everyone know I'm on the verge of killing myself.

I made my way to school early so I would have time to clean a desk for myself. I went into my first class. I hadn't had this class yet since I was absent. I went to the back in the far corner and wiped down the desk, taking a seat and listening to music until people came in. A few people had been in the class, all away from me. There were, what sounded like three, loud people in the hallway.

 I heard a deep yet excited sounding voice talking obnoxiously loud with 2 other voices, one slightly familiar and the other beyond familiar. Motoya? Guess he made friends that's good. I watched as fuckboy fake blond and the one and only Motoya walk in. Miya had his arm slung over the latter's shoulders as they walked forward. When Motoya met eyes with me he smiled and walked over with the boy. 

"Hey Kiyoomi!" Motoya said as he got closer, but not to close.

"That's yer name! ya wouldn't tell me before." The blond said letting go of Motoya "Nice to see ya again Kiyoomi-kun!"

I gave him a cold glare as he chose the seat next to me. 

"Sakusa to you. Kiyoomi's my given name." I reply with an unbothered tone.

"mm I'll call ya Omi-kun, cutie!" Miya said winking at me.

"Gross Miya." I responded rolling my eyes

"Aww c'mon Omi-kun be a little nice for once." My stupid fucking cousin said mimicking Miya's voice.

"I hate you both." I said before turning the volume of of my headphones louder.

Motoya mumbled something but I couldn't catch it. They both continued talking to each other until the class started. I'm just gonna wait till Motoya finds out who Miya is. To put it short he's an awful flirt who would fuck any walking thing. He has a god awful grin all the time and he's probably the most obnoxiously bubbly person at this school. All traits that drive me crazy. I despise him the most out the 5 of them but he was damn hot I had to admit. Once class started I got a text message from the anonymous person I had been texting.

Annoying Brat:

Hey qt ;)


𝒴💍𝓊 𝓈𝒶𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝓎 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 | SakuatsuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant