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Sakusa Kiyoomi POV

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was breathtaking. I know we may never speak again but my feelings haven't changed. I know I'm no different than all the people obsessed with him but I thought we had something. I didn't think it would be so easy for him to just drop me but I guess that's how he is. He was pulling a lot of shit this morning but that's not too new.

Last night Akaashi stayed again and we ended up just going to school together. Today we made a plan for Akaashi to get Bokuto's attention which he did not agree to but its okay. For me, I'm going to talk to Miya and Komori is going to ask Akagi on another date. That's the plan. 

The problem is when Miya looks at me he just ignores it. There's no change in emotion he just looks at me like you would look at a stranger. A person you accidentally make eye contact with on the street. He just looks away like he doesn't notice me. I saw him hesitate when the teacher asked about his parents and I did feel bad. To his luck Kuroo answered for him. I could tell all their stories were a lie but I guess the teacher wasn't tricked either. So now I'm in class and I have my next class with Kuroo and Bokuto, not to mention Akaashi. Akaashi usually wears hoodies, he hides his face and looks down. This morning we dressed him up and there's no chance he can hide his face. He really is attractive, like extremely. Not to me but I can respect someone who looks good. His natural short curly hair contrasts well with with the outfit we gave him. We dressed him in Komori's clothes since that's the house we were at and their closer to the same size. He's wearing a light blue turtle neck under a blue large button up short sleeve. All the buttons are undone and the shirt is tucked into a tan pair of pants with a black belt. His eyes perfectly match the outfit as well. It just looks very good in general. He walked into school keeping his head down but in class I'll be sure to keep his head up. I've been able to touch Akaashi a few times, I do trust him but I still fear the germs he might have.

Class finished and Miya was quick to leave. I really liked all of their outfits as well, especially Kuroo's. I went to class and sat next to Akaashi, he had his head down so I put a finger on his chin and had him look up. He had a blush of embarrassment on his face. I felt bad he had no self confidence, he really was pretty. Bokuto and Kuroo walked into class and sat directly in front of us. This was my usual seat but the two of them always switch. I decided to try to get their attention by talking to Akaashi. What do they like, what do they like?"

"Hey Akaashi have you ever been to a party?" He looked at me and glared.

"I've been to one or two." He said in the voice that really trips me out, it's just so charming?

The two in front of us turned around with a grin. Too easy.

"You should go to one of our parties they're the best!" Kuroo said with a grin. I smirked under my mask, they were both looking at me but when their eyes traveled to Akaashi they both choked. 

"A-Are you new?!" Bokuto said with glistening eyes. Mission success. We told him to keep his confident voice so hopefully he can. His cheeks flushed pink but he managed to keep it together.

"No I've been going here for two years, Bokuto-san." He said relaxing into his seat.

"Oh so you're a second year, you're very cute." Bokuto said with a smile.

"Thank you." He replied unfazed, but inside I could tell he was freaking the fuck out.

"What's your name?" Kuroo asked, he didn't seem interested but the two came in a pair. They always did things for each other. My eyes trailed to the obvious hickey on Bokuto's neck and I narrowed my eyes with a slight frown. Luckily my mask covered the look on my face.

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