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I cried so much writing this, ahh~

I'm editing this right now sniffling

Sakusa Kiyoomi POV

What the fuck is he WEARING



Intense wheezes came from Osamu, Terushima, and Motoya. Akaashi kept giggling and covering his mouth to try and stop himself.

"Omi-kun?! What are you- ahhh~" He cried, with his face as red as Tendou's hair. I copied that same expression, luckily my mask helped a bit. I looked at him for a second, wide eyed, before I walked straight back out the door. I walked to the court and sat on the bench next to the fountain. Motoya came over to me, clutching his stomach, and stumbled beside me.

"Dude, I cannot- I-" He cut himself off with a wheeze and I couldn't help but laugh a little myself. I felt such second hand embarrassment and.. well...


He wheezed again and looked at me.

"Motoya I'm fucking hard." 

He fell to the floor wheezing and I kicked his side. He gasped and wheezed at the same time before cracking up more and I just started to laugh at him.

"Motoya~" I whined. I will only ever whine to him. He wheezed again and I started to lose my shit just watching him. We were both laughing when Terushima came out and stood in front of us, laughing his ass off.

"Teru he-" He wheezed again and Teru started laughing harder.

"Teru he's hard." Motoya said and I kicked him hard in the ribs. My face went more red and Terushima fell on the floor beside Motoya, kicking his feet. Akaashi and Osamu walked up to us. Akaashi had a huge smirk but kept himself from laughing. That was soon broken looking at the three of us losing our shit. Osamu was crying from laughter and kept wiping his eyes. Akaashi started giggling again before Osamu fell on his ass and started cracking up more. Motoya wheezed again at the chaos and it was too much to handle. Soon Oikawa and Atsumu walked up and we all started laughing even more if that was possible. I was panting and wheezing, trying to catch my breath.

"Ahem." We heard Oikawa say and when we looked at them through tears, Atsumu hid his face in his hands. They were now both in sweats and t-shirts. We started laughing more and Osamu started kicking his feet as well.

"Guys~" Atsumu whined and Osamu really couldn't breath at this point. I started to bang my fist on the bench. struggling to get some air. Atsumu whimpered and I tried to calm down, I really did, but I couldn't. Akaashi was the first to regain his composure. He walked beside Oikawa and Atsumu, not losing his grin. I started coughing from laughing so much, before I stood up and wobbled over to them. I sort of forgot I was hard but whatever. I realized after when I stood beside Atsumu and they all wheezed simultaneously. Akaashi slapped a hand over his mouth and started giggling again. I don't think Atsumu noticed since his face was covered. Oikawa definitely noticed because he started laughing a bit too.

"Got a problem there?" Oikawa asked me and I buried my face in my hands.

"I'm gonna fucking kill myself." I stated and they only wheezed more. Motoya seemed to calm down at that sentence. I'm sure he knew it was a joke, but I guess it just reminded him. I noticed him frown a bit while he panted for breath. He got up and stood next to me, clinging onto my arm. 

"I didn't mean it Motoya." I whispered in his ear. I was still red faced but I knew I upset him. He nodded while Osamu was still on the floor wheezing, while Terushima laid on Osamu's stomach doing the same. I rolled my eyes and walked inside with Oikawa and Atsumu. Akaashi and Motoya looked at the two, giggling, before following us. Oikawa whispered something to Atsumu and Atsumu whipped around to me with wide eyes. He glanced down and back up and I hid my face in my hands again. Fuck you Oikawa.

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