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Miya Atsumu's POV

"Kuroo-kun he has mysophobia don't touch him." I said trying to calm down my friend.

Kuroo-kun let go of Omi-kun in an instant and his face fell into guilt.

"Oh shit I'm sorry are you okay?" He said apologetically.

Omi-kun just looked at him blankly before turning around a throwing up in the trash can.

My eyes widened and I rushed over to check if he was okay. He turned around and gave me a look I hadn't seen before. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and slipped his mask back on. I had to admit he looked ten times hotter without the mask.

"You and your friends are sick. Leave me the fuck alone." He told me angrily. I tensed at this, I didn't think he generally disliked me. "Stop acting like my friend because we aren't. We never will be so stop trying to get to know me." 

I swallowed and looked at him and fought to keep a smile on my face. I nodded before taking a step back.

"Sorry I bothered you, Sakusa." I said turning around and heading back to my desk. 

The teacher groaned before speaking, "all of you separate and stay quiet for the next 20 minutes or I'm snapping your fucking phones." 

Terushima started laughing before moving away from the rest of us while Bokuto and Kuroo gave each other a sad hug before moving. I only stayed still and began pulling at the sleeves of my sweater. When that stopped working I started tapping on the desk trying to calm myself. My knee was bouncing.

"Atsumu stop fidgeting and stay still." The teacher said glaring at me.

I put on a my usual fake grin, "Ah sorry this is pretty boring sensei~" 

The teacher ignored me and soon enough detention had been over. It was time to go to my next class of course with Sakusa. I grabbed my phone and noticed Sakusa tense up when the teacher held out his phone to him. I was quick to grab a tissue from the teachers desk and squirt a bit of hand sanitizer on it. I grabbed Sakusa's phone and wiped it down before handing it to him. His eyes widened slightly. 

"I would've preferred the teacher handing it to me." He spat out which made me start to feel really irritated. 

"Ya know I've only tried being nice to you." The teacher walked away and we were just standing in the classroom, my friends behind me.

"Yet you've only annoyed me" He said grabbing his phone from my hand and was about to turn around.

"The fuck is yer problem? I thought ya only acted cold but no, ya just are. I stopped one of my closest friends from punching ya in the face, have been nothing but considerate of yer mysophobia, and been completely nice to ya, but ya just treat me like shit. What did I do? Why are you so against me?" I yelled at him.

"You got ATSUMU mad? Damn..." I heard Boku-chan call behind me. I didn't pay attention but instead kept the rage I felt and stared at his eyes. 

"Then leave me alone, if i'm just cold. That's the point, to get people like you to stay away from me. My problem is how you have nothing but a stupid grin on your face. Its like you cant feel any emotion but pure joy. It just bothers me. So fuck off and leave me alone." He said turning around and leaving.

"Fuck you too Sakusa!" I yelled out to him and noticed him clench his fists. 

I groaned before turning around to meet the eyes of my three wide eyed friends.

"Since when did you get mad?" Teru asked me. I put on my stupid fat grin which really irritated me at this point.

"Some people can piss off~" I sang before grabbing my bag and heading to my next class which I would most likely be late for. 

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