"You should ask Jake how to do it. He has experience. He fucks up all the time." I laugh.

   "Yeah... The secret is to actually be sorry." he mocks his best friend, who then shows him the middle finger.

   "I need a drink." Kelly grabs my hand and drags me inside the house with her.

   "You're not actually mad at him, are you?" I ask her when we get into the kitchen.

   "Of course not." she smiles. "I just like to tease him."

   "Well, well... Who do we have here? I haven't seen you guys in a while." Ashley shows up out of nowhere.

   "Yeah... That was the plan." I whisper to Kelly then I drink the rest of my drink feeling the need for alcohol.

   "We've been pretty busy..." Kelly tells her making me frown.

   "Don't explain yourself. Let's go." I whisper to her again.

   "Yeah... I heard you and Matty are still together... That's surprising." she says smiling.

   That bitch is asking for it.

   "What do you mean?" Kelly asks getting closer to her. "We're happier than ever."

   "Really? I just figured that after you'd find out about the bet you'd hate his guts."


   "Bet? What are you talking about?" she asks Ashley frowning.

   Some people gathered around us and I suddenly have bad feeling. I see Jake and Matthew coming to us and how panicked they're starting to get.

   "Kelly, I think we should go." I whisper to her.

   "What bet, Ashley? What the hell are you talking about?" she ignores me.

   "Oh, you didn't know? God... That's awkward..." she laughs. "Matthew made a bet a few months ago. With Kyle. It was about whether you're a virgin or not. I heard he won. Congratulations I suppose."

   I look at Kelly shocked and my heart breaks when I see the tears in her eyes.

   "You're lying." she says between her teeth.

   "I swear I'm not. I would never do that to you." she pretends to be serious for a second.

   Kelly takes a few steps back then leaves the kitchen and eventually the house. I look at Ashley who's making a really bad "I'm sorry" face and all I see is red. Before I realize what I'm doing it's already too late... I already slapped her. I don't regret it. It's just too late to enjoy the moment.

   "Women are supposed to be there for each other, not bring each other down."

   I leave the kitchen and I follow Kelly only to find her yelling at Matthew in front of the house. She punches him then she tells him she hates him. She turns around and starts walking away from him, but he starts following her.

   "You're not going anywhere." I get in his way.

   I notice Nate getting in his car and driving in Kelly's direction and I thank him in my head for always being around.

   "You're going to leave her alone or I swear to God..."

   "Stay out of this. This is between me and her." he interrupts me and tries to walk by me.

   "There's no you and her anymore. You are a piece of shit and I don't allow her to be around those kind of people... I knew... I knew from te beginning you're going to make her suffer. I knew you're a horrible person..."

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