"Um, so the prices have..." He trailed off, feeling another wave of tiredness catch up to him, and paused to rub his eyes to clear his vision. "Have...sorry...they've increased-" He said quickly as he suddenly wavered on his feet, reaching out a hand to steady himself on the podium next to him at the front. When did the room suddenly get so hot?

"Allemagne?" "Saska are you alright?!"

"Yeah I'm fine-" Germany managed to gasp out before his legs turned weak and he sank to the floor on his knees, panting heavily. He was so tired, he wanted to nest and bury himself in a soft corner that was filled with his mate's scent. Which was nowhere to be found in this room, there were so many other alphas though. 

His clothes were unbearably suffocating, trapping his body heat inside. Germany fought not to tear everything off, but couldn't stop his hands from making their way up to his shirt collar and tugging it away from his neck.

Two arms grabbed him and pulled him into their chest, taking hold of one of his wrists. "You should really know better by now," Italy mumbled with concern in his voice, patting his cheek to try and get his attention. The omega whined and leant against him, taking deep breaths of his calming beta scent as he instinctively tried to cool his overheating body down by opening his mouth and continuing to pant, staring helplessly at him.

"Allemagne are you okay? Say something-" Another frantic voice spoke up, and a hand touched his shoulder. It sent a wave of sensations firing up his neck and down his arm, which made him let out another soft sound and bare his neck. It also felt like every one of his senses minus his vision was enhanced a million times over, he could scent all 26 people in the room and everything else in it. "He's in heat, I don't think he can answer."

"Can we move him?" Hungary was on his left, his own omega scent flowing off him like a river. He guessed that all the omega countryhumans in the room had come to his aid when he had collapsed, plus Italy. "It's better not to, we don't want his scent to attract more people outside." Estonia said, somewhere further on his right.

Romania lifted his head up and looked at the rest of the room. "What are you all staring at?!" He snarled, his omega fangs small, but bared fully as he narrowed his eyes. Some of the betas seemed to snap back to themselves, but the others and the alphas didn't react, pupils dilating as they continued to stare blankly with their mouths opened slightly to scent the hormone rich smell of heat in the room.

It was a well known fact that Germany smelt particularly enticing, heat or not, and he always had to wear scent suppressors in the office. Italy pulled down the collar of his white dress shirt, which caused Germany to shiver at his touch, and saw the thick pad covering his scent glands at his neck. He still smelt so strongly. Even Russia's bonding mark and their shared mating scent wasn't enough to overpower it. 

Romania growled softly above them, and the other omegas and beta looked up to see that Netherlands, an alpha, had taken a step closer toward them from his seat, and was staring straight at the panting omega in the middle of their protective circle. Hungary bared his fangs as well and got up to stand beside Romania, making the alpha finally take notice of them and pause in his tracks.

Meanwhile, Germany had whimpered and folded his arms over his stomach, doubled over from a painful cramp. Italy tried his best to sooth him, running a hand through his hair and letting him press his nose against his own scent glands at his neck, hopefully his beta scent could calm him down slightly. He could smell slick, the lubrication that omegas made when they were in heat, and he knew the rest of the room could too, because the alphas were starting to react more towards him. They could probably scent it ten times more strongly than what he could scent.

When Hungary hissed again to keep them away, Denmark actually growled back, and by nature, the omegas shrunk away. He gritted his teeth and carefully pried Germany's body away from him as gently as he could, giving him to France, who took over his calming strokes and whispered soft words into the other omega's ear as he whined again, his face flushed and damp with sweat.

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