Chapter 40 ~ The Unicorn

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I look back down at the unicorn, Merlin was stroking its head. He looked up he was staring intensely at something i look to where he was looking there was a man in a white cloak he was holding a staff.

"What are you to looking at?" Arthur turns to where we were looking but the man dissapeared.

Merlin and I  look back at the Unicorn. 

Arthur leads us into the court room where Uther was.

"Father, a unicorn horn." Arthur says proudly. "To grace the walls of Camelot."

Much to my dismay Arthur cut the horn off the Unicorn and made us take it to Camelot. And much to Merlin's dismay he had to carry it on a red pillow into the room. We stop infront of Uther  and the rest of the court.

Uther puts his papers down "Magnificent"

He walks happily over to Merlin Arthur and I.

"Its the first one I've seen" Uther picks up the horn and turns to Gaius "Gaius, look at this."

"Tis very impressive my lord" Gaius replies

He looked very worried.

Uther rolls his eyes "What is it, Gaius? Speak your mind."

"Unicorns are rare and mystical creatures. There is a legend that says that bad fortune" Gaius looks at Arthur "Will come to anyone who slays one."

Arthur scoffs

"Nonsense" Uther puts the horn back on the pillow "We will be the envy of every kingdom."

"I'm pleased you like it" Arthur smiles.

Gaius Merlin and I exchange worried looks. The three of us walk outside.

"I don't understand how Arthur can have taken any pleasure from killing the unicorn." Merlin says to us.

"Arthur's a hunter, it's in his blood." Gaius replies "Whereas the two of you have something different."

"Doesn't make it right" I say "It was the most magnificent thing I've ever seen."

"I wish you'd been there." Merlin says

"It's a rare privelage. Alas, there are very few unicorns still alive." Gaius states.

"Try telling Arthur that" Merlin says

"I can imagine it'd be difficult." Gaius says

"Difficult? That guy is a stubborn as a mule." I state

Gaius walks away to his chambers and Merlin and I go to Arthur's. We made a pit stop at the kitchen to get Arthur's food. Once we dropped Arthurs food off he dug in. Merlin walks to the window and I was sitting on the floor next to the window Arthur was busy giving Merlin and me stuff to do for him which i found unfair because I don't work for him.

"My horse threw a shoe. Take it to the blacksmith. Make sure he does a good job," Arthur turns to look at us "and when you've done that you can polish my... saddle. Merlin Olivia!"

Merlin and I look at him. I get up and look at him.

"Have you listened to a word I've said?" He asks.

Merlin and I nod casually.

"Both of you've had a face like a wounded bear ever since we got back from that hunting trip." Arthur turns back to his table "Don't tell me you're still upset about the unicorn" 

Arthur puts a grape in his mouth, he gets up from his bed and walks to his bed.

"We don't think you should have killed it." Merlin states.

"Oh really? Why is that?" Arthur asks he sits down on his bed and puts his boots on.

"It was doing no harm." I say. "What purpose did you serve by killing it?"

"We were hunting Olivia. That's what you do." Arthur says. "Would you have me bring it  home as a pet?"

I roll my eyes and turn back to the window.

"Look at this." Arthur was leaning down by his feet.

"What?" Merlin and I ask turning back to Arthur. 

He doesn't reply, we walk to where he was sitting.

"Do you know what this is?" Arthur asks.

"No" We reply

Arthur walks forward and grabs Merlin and shoves his head down.

"Rat droppings. My chambers are infested. You need to spend less time worrying about unicorns and more time about rats!" Arthur says angrily.

"Calm yourself, if you didn't go killing unicorns my brother would be able to get the rat out of your room!" I say.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Enter" Arthur says.

A guard enters "My lord, the king requests your service of a matter of urgency." 

Arthur begins walking to the door "Find that rat!" 

"Do you think all princes are like that? Or just Arthur?" I ask

"Yeah probably just Arthur" Merlin replies.

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