


He stepped out of a freezing cold shower. Yet his head continued spin. His mind still plagued with the dream that awakened him drenched in sweat.

Kaname stepped out of the bathroom once clothed and with a small towel over his head. He headed over to his office. His focus now settled on the chessboard that had only one piece— the black king, standing tall and proud at the centre.

He finally learned the real depth of danger of what is yet to come. Now he regrets not paying full attention to her mother when she brought Aiyora to Haruka and Juuri.

For the longest time all Kaname thought about and planned for was how to save Yuuki. In order keep Yuuki protected from Rido he was proceeding with two plans:

First— have his knight, Kiryu Zero take down the black king.

Second and perhaps the most important and to some extent easiest plan— use his king's daughter; who ironically represents white the queen.

But now it appears as though Rido doesn't care about anything as long as he gets his hand on his daughter. Which raises the question,

How can Aiyora be saved?

It was almost the eleventh hour and he's yet to come up with a concrete plan.


This cannot be good!

Senri wasn't sure what it was but he didn't have a good feeling. The dorm president asking for an audience with him...? This early in the morning, inside the forrest, far away from the moon dormitory.

But the Shiki heir was not going to cower. He decided this long ago, no matter who or how powerful the enemy is, he will face them bravely.

Senri found his cousin standing by the lake.

"I was told you summoned me?"

"Yes, I did..." Kaname replied looking over his shoulders for a second then faced the lake once more. "After all I owe you an explanation..."

"Not really." Came the Shiki heir's aloof response. "It was quite clear that Ai-chan willingly fed you her blood. You don't need to explain yourself for drinking it."

"As a matter of fact I do. And I'm not doing this to clear out my name nor am I doing it out of pity for you. I'm doing this for her, so that you understand her reasoning... something which she might never be able to express."

Senri crunched his brow while Kaname continued...

"It's a critical time. Speaking a word about it to anyone would not be the wisest move. Which was why Aiyora kept her lips sealed. Even from you."

"If she thought it was best to hide it from me, then why are you telling me?" Senri asked, concerned. "You're not double crossing her, are you?"

Kaname chuckled. "I'm way beyond that phase of my life Shiki. Know this much, a misunderstanding between Aiyora and yourself is something I'm trying to avoid. Especially at a time like this."

"Alright, let's hear, what is it so important?" Senri said rolling his eyes. However, he was not at all prepared for what he was about to learn.

"I was the one... who killed Hio Shizuka."

Everything around the Shiki heir came to an abrupt stop. For a second there the young aristocrat thought he would have a heart attack.

"And Ai-chan knows this?" Somehow he managed the courage to ask.

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now