Chapter 59

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February 27, 2021
3:30 am

~ Rosanna's POV ~

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock ringing, I turned it off, got off the bed, walked over to the bathroom to freshen up, I walked to my closet to change into comfortable clothes.

I grabbed my purse, walked out of my house to my car, stepped in and I am on my way to the airport to pick up Stefano.


I am here at the airport waiting for Stefano. A few minutes later, I saw Stefano, he smiled when he saw me, and I smiled back. We ran towards each other, I jumped on his arms and wrapped my legs around his torso.

He dropped his duffel bag on the floor, wrapped his arms around me, and he kissed my lips. I kissed him back, he put me down, we pulled away from the kiss, and I hugged him.

Stefano hugged me back, rock us hack and forth and said " I missed you. "

" I missed you too. "

We pulled away from the hug, he grabbed his duffel bag, I cupped his face with my hands, and kissed my his lips. He kissed me back, I pulled away from the kiss, looked at him and said " Let's go. "

He grabbed my hand, intertwined our fingers, we walked out the building to my car, and he put his stuff in. We stepped in, drove off and we are on our way to my house.


We are here in my house, I looked at Stefano, he yawned and I said " Let's go to sleep, yeah? "

He nod his head and said " Yeah, let's go. "

We walked over to my bedroom, laid down on the bed, cuddled and he said " Ugh, I missed this so much. "

" I miss your cuddles so much. "

He kissed my hair 4 times and said " Me too. I miss feeling your body on me. "

I looked at him, he kissed my lips, I kissed him back, we pulled away and fell asleep.

8:00 am

I woke up, stretched, looked at Stefano. He's not there.

Oh no, is it dream? I thought he was here.

I let out a sigh, looked at the ceiling and heard Stefano said " Good morning sleeping beauty. "

I looked at Stefano, he smiled at me, I let out a gasp, and quickly got off the bed. Ran towards him, jumped on his arms, and he wrapped his arms around me.

" I thought it was a dream. I thought you weren't here. "

He kissed my temple and said " No, it's not a dream Rose. I'm here. I'm here with you. I'm not going anywhere. "

I kissed his cheek, got down, he cupped my face with his hands, kissed my forehead, looked at me and said " Come on, let's go get before the food gets cold. "

" Okay. "

I walked over to my bathroom to freshen up, walked out of my bathroom to the kitchen, we sat down on the dining table and begin to eat.

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