Chapter 16

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December 12, 2020
3:30 am

~ Stefano's POV~

* Dream*

" Oh fuck... Steff.. Yes.. " Rose moaned.

" You like that? "

" Yes. " She moaned again.

* Dream over*

I woke up, sat up, catched my breath, and laid back down on the bed. Looked at the ceiling, closed my eyes, opened them, and let out a sigh.

This is the second time I've dreamt about her, us, having sex. She drives me crazy.. What is she doing to me..?

I let out another sigh, got off the bed, and walked out of the guest bedroom to the kitchen to get something to drink. I saw Rose sitting down on the bar stool, she is sleeping on the island, a folder, lots of papers are laying down on the island.

I chuckled at her, walked over to her, and lightly shook her. She didn't wake up, I shooked her again, she sat up, and said " Oh no. I fell asleep. " and she continued to type.

" Rose, hey Rose, stop. * Rest hands on her wrists gently* You can barely keep your eyes open, you need to sleep. Come on. "

She looked at me and said " But I need to finish this. "

" I know you do, you can do it later in the morning. Come on. "

She let out a sigh and said " Okay. " she got off the bar stool.

She was about to fall until I quickly caught her, looked at her and said " Come on. "

We walked over to her bedroom to her bed, I helped her get in the bed, kissed her forehead and said " Sleep well my beautiful Rose. "

She closed her eyes, I walked out of her bedroom to kitchen, got myself a glass of water, and walked back to the guest bedroom.

Took a sip out of the water, set it down on the nightstand, lay down, and go back to sleep.

* 9:30 am*

~ Rosanna's POV~

I woke up, got out of bed, walked over to the bathroom and do my routine. Walked out of the bathroom wearing this:

 Walked out of the bathroom wearing this:

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Forbidden Fruit Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora