Chapter 21

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December 22, 2020
3:30 am

~ Rosanna's POV~

I woke up by the sound of my alarm ringing, I turned it off, and let out a yawn. Looked at the ceiling, got off the bed, walked over to the bathroom and do my routine. Walked out of my bathroom wearing this:

Grabbed my stuff, made sure that I have everything, and walked out of my bedroom to the living room

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Grabbed my stuff, made sure that I have everything, and walked out of my bedroom to the living room. Everyone is talking, Angelina looked at me and said " Ready to go? "

I nod my head and said " Yeah. "

" Got everything? " Francesco said.

" Yes. "

" Luca, hurry up! " Luciano shouted.

" I'm coming! "

Stefano looked at me and said " Come on Rose, let's put your suitcase in the trunk. "

" Okay. "

Stefano and I walked out of the house to his car, and he put our stuff in his car. I looked at the cabin and said " I'm gonna miss this cabin. "

He looked at the cabin and said " Me too. "

The front door opened, Angelina nearly shout " Guys come inside. It's our last day here so it's picture time! "

" Coming. "

We walked over to the front door, Angelina whispered " I know you want to kiss her Stef, go ahead. "

I blushed, looked at Stefano, he looked at me, leaned in kissed my lips, and I kissed him back. We pulled away from the kiss, Angelina smiled at us and said " Come on. "

We walked inside the house, she closed the door behind us, we walked to the living room, and took pictures.

" Let's get going guys. " Francesco said.

We walked out of the house, Luca locked the door behind us, and we all walked over to the vehicles. Stefano and I stepped in, he set up the gps, he looked at me and said " You can choose what song we can listen to. "

" Okay. "

I connected my phone, put my playlist, everyone drove out of the drive way and we are on our way home.

" You can go take a nap if you want? "

I shooked my head and said " No thank you, I'm okay. "

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