Chapter 76

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April 10, 2021

~ Rosanna's POV ~

I woke up, got off the bed, do my routine and walked out of the bathroom wearing this:

Grabbed my phone and purse, walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen, and make myself something to eat

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Grabbed my phone and purse, walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen, and make myself something to eat. Once I am done, I walked out of my house to my car and I am on my way to Stefano's house.

I arrived, rang the doorbell, he opened it, smiled at me and said " Hey Rose. "

I smiled back and said " Hey. "

I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissed his lips, and he kissed me back. Wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled away from the kiss, kissed my forehead, pulled away, looked at me and said " Come in. "

I walked in the house, he walked behind me, locked the door, I looked at Stefano and said " Where's Rocco? "

" Sleeping. Do you want something to drink? "

I shooked my head and said " No thanks, I'm good. "

" Alright. "

" I talked to Angel yesterday. She's thinking about having a baby shower on the 24th, it's on a Saturday. I told her that I'm going to plan it and I need your help. "

He nod his head and said " Alright, let's get started. "

We walked to his office, we passed by Rocco sleeping in his bed, and I walked over to him. He looks so adorable. I bend down, pet him, he opened his eyes, looked at me, and wagged his tail.

I smiled at him and said " Hi Rocco. "

He quickly got off his bed, stretched, looked at me and wagged his tail. I pet him, picked him up, and gave his forehead a kiss.

Stefano and I walked over to his home office, we sat down and begin to plan the baby shower while Rocco went back to sleep on my lap.


We are done planning the baby shower, we can't wait to plan it. It's going to look so adorable! Stefano is in the kitchen, I heard my phone rang, I took it out of my purse, and saw that my Dad is facetiming me:

Me: Hey Dad.

Dad: Hey, just wanted to let you know that Gabriella is in labor.

Me: * Gasped * Oh my God! Really?!

I heard Gabriella screaming in pain in background, and Dad said:

Dad: She's having contractions. She's almost there.

Me: The baby isn't due for 3 days.

Dad: * Shrugged his shoulders  * Guess the baby wanted to come early.

Me: I can't wait to see the baby.

I don't know what the gender of the baby is going to be. They wanted to wait until the baby is born.

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