Chapter 35 [Julie & Liam]

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"Go ahead," I told Nessy. "you can borrow any of my pajamas in the closet." Nessy nodded. "Good Night," she told me then she turned to Liam. "good night Briton Justin Bieber." Liam rolled his eyes. "Good Night Vanessa!", he smirked. She rolled her eyes.

I opened Jacob's room and gestured Liam to follow me. I asked him to set Jacob down on his bed and he did. I then changed Jacob's clothes into his Batman pajamas. Liam smiled since he loves Batman too.

"Thank you for helping," I told him. "you didn't really have to do it but you did anyway." He smiled. We both got up and I gently closed the door on Jacob's room. "You're good with him," Liam said. "taking care of your little brother." I smiled. "He is mine after all.", I laughed. Then there was silence.

"Nessy's staying over?", he asked. "Yeah," I nodded. "she's staying in my room. We're sharing." He nodded. "You guys do everything together," he said. I nodded. "Something like that.", I remarked. "We used to do everything together back in the day," he said. "just you and me." Liam's words were enough to make my heart raise. I don't know what he was trying to say or where it was going but my hearting was seriously beating faster than normal.

Liam was slowly leaning in. Once again, I stood still. Were we gonna kiss? Oh My gosh. Oh My gosh. He's closing his eyes. He's leaning in and why is it that every part of me wants to as well? But I'm holding it. Calm down, Jules. Just don't do anything until he freaks you out. Is he really going to kiss me no---

"Julietta," my mom's voice was enough to make Liam pull away. We both turned to see my mom. "Mom, you're still awake!", I said. "I thought I heard the van arrive and a door opened," she said. "I can see that you and Liam brought Jacob to his room." Liam and I looked at each other but I couldn't meet his eyes. We both nodded.

Mom smiled. "Your father and I leave tomorrow and come back the night before Jacob's Birthday," she said. "your brother returns from California tomorrow. So he's in charge of keeping an eye on you and Jacob. Are you alright with that?" I nodded.

"Well, see you soon.", she said. "Your father and I have our flight at 8 in the morning. Good Night." I nodded. "Night Mom," I said. "Night Mrs. Wats!", Liam nodded. When my mom was out of sight, Liam and I walked to the door of my room.

"Good Night," I smiled. "I enjoyed this day." He nodded and answered, "Me too." After that, hugged me tight. "Sweet Dreams, Jules.", he said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead then he left.

I couldn't help but wonder. Liam's been showing a lot of affection lately. I don't know if it's friendly or more than that. But why would it matter to me when I'm over it already? It shouldn't matter. I have no romantic feelings for Liam James Payne anymore!

I opened the door to my room to see Nessy wearing my "The Hunger Games" shirt with black shorts. She wasn't asleep yet. She looked like she was expecting me or she needed to talk to me or something.

"Hey," I said. "I thought you were asleep." Nessy shook her head. She looked really excited. "Alex asked me out on a proper date!", she squealed. "He made me choose the place since he barely knows New York but still, HE ASKED ME OUT!" I smirked. Oh, Alex. You've made me so proud.

"Well," I said. "you need another makeover?" She nodded. "Can El and I do it here?", she asked. "You have all the needed materials." I chuckled. "You guys did it today," I said. "so yeah, you can do it again tomorrow. Impress Alex all you want!" She squealed and hugged me. "I love you my dearest Best Friend ever!!!!!", she screamed. I pulled away and gave her a pat on the back.

"So now," she said as she managed to come down. "what's with you and Liam? Now that he and Blonde Barbie bimbo are over." I shook my head. I considered telling Nessy about Liam's affections but maybe I was overseeing it. Maybe, it was just the typical I-love-you-you're-my-Best-Friend kind of affection. "Nothing's going on," I shook my head. "we're just really close." She nodded.

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