Chapter 54

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We stepped into the hall where the wedding reception was in full swing. As soon as we entered, the guests erupted in claps and joyful cheers. I waved happily to the crowd with one hand while holding onto Anthony's arm with the other.

He guided us to the long table at the front, adorned with a large banner that proudly displayed the words "Congratulation Mr and Mrs Castillo" in bold letters.

Anthony pulled out a chair for me to sit on and then took the seat beside me. The middle tables were already filled with guests either enjoying their meals or sipping wine.

A voice suddenly echoed through the room as a microphone was tested, grabbing everyone's attention. Liana stood before us, holding a microphone in one hand and a wine flute in the other, wearing a smile.

"Hey everyone! Thank you for being here on this special day. Before we continue, I want to share a few words about the couple." I exchanged a smile with her as a buzz of excitement swept through the guests.

"Just so you know me, I'm the bride's best friend and her partner in crime for life. We met in high school, back when wearing ripped jeans was considered the epitome of cool. If it weren't for Gabby, I wouldn't be standing here, praising her awesomeness. She's the ultimate friend and a forever sister, always there even when life throws us curveballs."

I wiped away a small tear and smiled back at Liana. Anthony's hand gently comforted my back.

"Gabby, your happiness is my joy, and seeing you at this point is amazing. To Gabby and Anthony!" Liana toasted, raising her glass, and the crowd joined in.

"Now, let's hear it for the groom's best man, Tyson!" Liana announced, passing the mic to Tyson, who took her place at the front of the table.

"Hey there, everyone! I'm Tyson and Anthony and I have been best friends since the days we learned what 'best friends' meant. We go way back, sharing first dates, first girlfriends, and the inevitable heartbreaks. But then, a few years ago, he met this incredible woman, and she's been on his mind ever since. I recall him staying up late just to wait for her text. He was obsessed, in the best way possible. Fast forward to now, and I'm here, witnessing their big day. It's an honor to see my two favorite people tie the knot. Cheers to you both, buddy!"

Tyson's speech earned applause, followed by words from my parents, the twins, close relatives, and friends.

"Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. Now, it's time for the bride and groom's special dance." Liana announced, and Anthony helped me up. Holding my hand, he led me to the dance floor.

Soft music began to play, and Anthony pulled me close, his arm around my waist. I rested my hand on his shoulder, letting him guide me as we swayed together.

"You look really beautiful tonight," I blushed.

"You've told me that already," he shrugged.

"I know, but I can't stop saying it. I can't stop looking at you either."

A glance to the side revealed our family and friends joining us on the dance floor.

Mom and Dad, Liana and Jeremy, the twins with their girlfriends, and Tyson with his date.

"Excited for our honeymoon, baby?" Anthony asked.

"Absolutely. Your surprise better be good. Where are we going, anyway?" I inquired.

He shook his head with a grin, "That's a secret. Spoiling the surprise wouldn't be fun."

I rolled my eyes playfully. After our dance, it was time to cut the cake. With cheers from the guests, we fed each other small pieces. We greeted well-wishers and met new faces. Then, the time came for the bouquet toss.

"Alright, here we go. One... two... three!" I tossed the bouquet and spun around to see who caught it.

It was Liana, she grinned as she clutched the bouquet while kissing Jeremy standing on the side.

After that, the decked-out "Just Married" limo awaited outside. Anthony and I bid farewell to everyone, waving as we headed towards the limo that would whisk us off to our honeymoon.

As the car pulled away from the resort, leaving our guests behind, I looked at Anthony with a pout.

"Well?" I prodded.

"Well, what?" he teased.

"Where are we off to?"

"It's a surprise, Gabby. Just hang tight and enjoy the ride." I gave him a mock glare.

"Pretty please? With a cherry on top?" I pleaded.

He glanced at me and sighed. "You're really impatient, you know?"

"Can you blame me? I'm really excited! So, where's the mystery destination?"

He turned toward me, flashing that charming smile.


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