Chapter 7

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The limo door swung open, and we stepped out, met by a flurry of camera flashes and a barrage of questions. Paparazzi were here for one thing: juicy scoops or material for their bogus articles about tonight's attendees.

They're here for the glam façade, not because they know our real identities. To them, it's just another gala for business folks, where talk revolves around... well, business.

They're on point about the business aspect, but they're completely clueless about who we truly are.

An arm wrapped around my waist as someone guided us down the red carpet, seeking refuge from the paparazzi. As we entered the hall, a small gasp escaped me at the sight.

The hall was stunning, with an open balcony overlooking the beach, embraced by tall palm trees.

"Nice choice, Jay. The view's amazing," I said, a grateful smile exchanged between us.

"Glad you like it. All for you, remember?" I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before he led us further inside.

The hall was already bustling with people, decked out in elegant cocktail attire, mingling around. Buffet tables held a display of sumptuous foods, and servers floated around with trays of champagne flutes.

Scanning the crowd, I spotted my parents surrounded by a small group, each holding champagne glasses.

"Mind if I say hi to my parents? Care to join?" I whispered to Jay, who glanced in the direction of my parents.

His expression shifted briefly, puzzling me, but his smile returned promptly. "Sure thing, but I need to check something real quick. Won't be long. I'll catch up."

With Jay's nod of approval, I made my way to my parents, grabbing Liana to accompany me.

Approaching cautiously, I intended not to disrupt their conversation. However, my mom had other plans. Spotting us, she squealed like a teenager and rushed toward us.

"Gabby! Oh, I've missed you so much!" She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Missed you too, Mom." Ever since our return from New York, visits home were sparse, leading to these exuberant welcomes.

I wondered, what if I hadn't seen her for years? Her reaction would eclipse this girly scream, likely halting the event for everyone.

After the hug, she embraced Liana, causing her to emit an unexpected 'oof.'

"Feels like ages since I've seen you two!" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"That's true, Mom. We've been quite busy lately with... life."

She countered, "Still, it feels like years. How's everything? Business? The other things?" I assured her all was well, leaving her relieved.

My dad joined us, offering compliments and inquiries about the businesses and the company. The conversation flowed smoothly as Jay joined us.

Introducing him as my date and Blood Moon's leader, Jay exchanged greetings. Dad mentioned hearing about Michael's retirement and how his son was taking over the mafia.

Jay confirmed his father's well-being and mentioned his parents' frequent vacations. This sparked conversation about my twin brothers, their presence at the event, and my reluctance to interact with them.

Before I knew it, Jeremy arrived, effusively greeting Liana and me. After the reunions, I turned to grab a drink and noticed Jay beside me once more.

"Care for a dance?" he asked. I grinned and put my drink down on a server's tray before we headed to the dance floor.

"Just don't surprise me with a waltz routine. I'm not a waltz person," I joked, taking his hand as we joined the other couples.

"No worries, I'm no waltz expert either," he chuckled, pulling me closer as we swayed gently.

Mid-dance, I locked eyes with Jay and felt a connection I couldn't quite define. There was an inexplicable magnetism drawing me to him, reminiscent of someone else. Someone from the past, someone I was determined to forget, even though it had only been four years.

But now Jay was here, a potential future in front of me. Gazing into his warm brown eyes, I was about to speak when the lights abruptly went out, plunging the room into darkness.

"What's happening? Jay, are you there?" Lights returned, revealing a sinister scene: people clad in black, wielding guns, holding everyone hostage.

Startled, I stumbled back, sensing a familiar metal against my head from behind. Swiftly turning, I drew my own gun, now pointed at the one who dared to threaten me.

But as I faced him, my heart raced, and my body froze, memories resurfacing like an electric jolt.

He smirked, tauntingly asking,

"Miss me?"

My First, My Last, My EverythingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora