Chapter 17

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The next morning, I was already up by 6 am, getting ready to head to my office. I needed to tackle some paperwork and check in with my parents.

Since I had crashed at their place last night, it was easy to get ready – my own room here had some of my stuff, as I often stayed over. After a shower, I slipped into a white jumpsuit with spaghetti straps and a thin black belt.

Drying off my hair, it cascaded over my shoulders in delicate strands. I used a blow dryer and styled it into loose waves. After a quick brush, I flipped my hair back and smiled in the mirror with satisfaction.

I applied minimal makeup, just a few touches here and there. I'm not a fan of caking my face, as it feels weird. I prefer keeping my skin fresh and natural.

Done with makeup, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and left my room. My office was conveniently close. Stepping in, something felt off immediately.

The room was tense. I quietly surveyed, nothing seemed wrong except the sliding door to the balcony was slightly open.

That's weird, I thought I closed it last night.

I started wondering who might have been in my office, letting that balcony door open. As I approached, a hand suddenly covered my mouth from behind. Swiftly turning, I twisted the hand away and faced a girl dressed in black, her face masked, and a gun in hand.

Turns out, she wasn't alone. Four more girls emerged from their hiding spots, guns aimed at me.

No wonder something felt off in this room. These sneaky bitches were hiding here all along.

I retrieved the hidden gun from under my desk and started firing. Two down, but the others quickly found cover – one behind a cabinet, the other shooting at me. A bullet grazed my arm.

My desk became a makeshift barrier as bullets whizzed overhead, puncturing the table. Clutching my bleeding arm, I shot one girl's leg. A cry of pain, then a pause in the shooting.

Getting on my knees, I aimed over the table and shot one more, catching her as she hopped on one foot. One left, hiding behind the cabinet.

"Come out or I'll shoot!" I yelled. Silence.

"You do realize you're trapped in here? My men will be here soon. Surrender now or you're dead." Another minute, she emerged, gun still pointed at me. Her mask only had holes around the eyes and mouth – a robber's mask.

Thinking they could rob me? Wrong move.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"We came with a message. Give up your title by month's end or our boss kills your family." I smirked.

"Your boss? Anthony Castillo?" She shook her head, a sinister smile playing on her lips.

"Castillo isn't the only one after you. There are more out there that wants you gone. You're powerful, but you're on your own right now."

"Really? Who do you work for?" Another head shake.

"You'll know when you're ready to surrender. He knows your address, your parents' hideout. Give up the title, or they die, and so will you if you don't cooperate."

I shot her a dry grin. "Is that right? Well I've got a message for your boss too. If he is so powerful than tell him to come face me like a man and not a fucking coward hiding in the shadows and making orders. Remind him, I'm still in charge, with more power to end him and anyone else that dare to cross me. Lucky for you-"

I shot her hand, her gun dropping on the floor with a loud clatter. "-I'll keep you alive, to deliver my message."

The door suddenly burst open, the twins with Jeremy arrived, guns drawn everywhere.

"We heard gunshots! What happened?" Marco asked, nearly tripping over a dead intruder.

"Long story. Take care of her. Marco, clean up here. Jeremy, find out how they managed to breached security," I ordered, walking out.

"You okay?" Jeremy inquired while following me out.

"Not now. Get me some clean clothes, and I might need to check this cut on my fucking arm."

His concern was palpable. "Alright, boss. I'll also update Liana on the security footage."

As I gazed at the bloodied outfit, my worry wasn't about being shot but the girl's words. She said he knows my parents' location.

This threat got under my skin more than the others I've been receiving lately.

Anthony could wait – this new enemy had real leverage. Time to be vigilant; they might be planning more surprises.

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