Chapter 35

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It's been more than two days now, and things in my life are starting to settle back into their usual rhythm.

Our business is gradually getting back on track, and there haven't been any recent attacks or threats, which is definitely a positive sign.

I've been visiting Anthony at the hospital, but he's still unconscious. Yesterday, I bumped into his parents during their visit, and they were surprised to see me there.

The good news is, I explained to them that I was just dropping by to check on him, a small way to show my appreciation for his help in dealing with the Phoenix gang.

Today, my plan is to visit him again and then head back home to my penthouse. I left my office, telling my P. A to cancel all my meetings for the day, and drove to the hospital.

On the way, my phone rang, so I plugged in my wireless earphones and answered the call.


"Gabby, where are you? Are you still at work?" my mom's voice came through the line, and I let out a slight sigh.

"No, Mom, I just finished work and I'm on my way home. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I just wanted to check in on you."

"Alright then, take care. Love you."

"Wait!" I rolled my eyes and parked at the hospital's lot.

"What now?"

"Well, we just found out that Anthony Castillo has regained consciousness."

My eyes widened at her words. I cleared my throat, trying to mask my surprise and happiness.


"We thought maybe you could drop by the hospital where Jeremy and Liana were admitted and thank him for his help."

Little did she know, I was already there and had more than just gratitude in mind.

"Sure thing. I'll catch up with you later, Mom. Bye." I ended the call, took out the earphones, and took a deep breath.

Grabbing the bouquet of flowers from the backseat, I got out of the car and headed straight to Anthony's room. Peeking in, I saw Tyson standing by his bedside and talking to him.

I knocked on the doorframe, catching their attention.

"Hey," I greeted softly. Anthony smiled at me, glancing briefly at Tyson.

"Hey, Gabby. It's been a while," Tyson added, giving me a peck on the cheek as he approached.

"Nice to see you too, Ty."

"Come on in."

Entering the room, I noticed Anthony's gaze fixed on me. I settled into the armchair by his bed and placed the flowers on the small table beside me.

"Okay, guys, I'll leave you to catch up. I'll be right outside if you need anything," Tyson said before leaving and shutting the door.

I smiled at Anthony.

"How are you feeling?" He shrugged, a smile on his lips.

"A bit tired, but I'm hanging in there. And you?"

"I'm good." He nodded, looking away for a moment.

"Has everything settled down? Any more recent attacks?" I shook my head.

"No, things have been back to normal."

"Does that include us?" he asked with a hint of uncertainty.

I swallowed, leaning back in my chair.

"About that... I need to... uh... tell you something..." He chuckled.

"You still do that thing where you hesitate when it's something important." I chuckled too, feeling a bit awkward.

"Yeah, old habits die hard."

"But you don't have to say it right now." I frowned, confused.

"Why not? I've been waiting for this chance, feeling like there's so much I've kept inside."

He smiled, reaching out to hold my hand, surprising me.

"It's alright. But just answer this one question."

"What is it?" I met his gaze as he intertwined our fingers.

"Do you love me?" My heart skipped a beat, and my throat tightened.

"Yes?" He laughed softly, and I scolded myself for making it sound like a question.

"Good, that's all I need to know." He kissed the back of my hand, and I wiped away a tear that had trickled down my cheek, smiling at him.

Then it hit me.

"Wait, what do we do now?" His expression turned serious, and he looked down at our entwined hands.

"You know I love you, right?" I nodded slowly.

"I'd do anything to be with you again, but we're aware of the risks and slim chances right now."

"Our families are still unaware of our relationship. We ended up working together to take down the Phoenix gang, and we managed to avoid conflicts between us. If we can make things work, why can't it be the same with our parents?" I protested.

"Gabby, we may have worked things out, but our families won't. The feud runs deeper than we thought, and nothing can change that."

"Unless we form an alliance?" He looked surprised.

"To bring both powerful families together, we'd have to get married."

I cut him off, smiling.

"Exactly, but aren't we rushing things a bit?"

We chuckled, both nodding in agreement.

"Too fast. Besides, our families probably wouldn't want us marrying into each other's Mafias."

"But we'll get there. Don't worry." I smiled and squeezed his hand gently.

"I still want to spend time with you. Just low-key though." He nodded.

"Me too, and I've got the perfect solution." I raised an eyebrow.

"Which is?"

He smirked knowingly.

"Let's do what we used to when we were together in college. We can be together without anyone knowing."

"But isn't it risky? We're leaders of powerful Mafias, and everyone will be watching our every move after what just happened."

"If it's worth the risk to be with you, then I'm all in. What do you think?"

I nodded slowly.

"Okay, let's go with code 1." He grinned at me.

"You still remember our secret code?" I shrugged casually.

"Of course I do."

Code 1 was our special signal for texting and calling when we wanted to meet. The number one signified our first day in college, our first year, and our first argument. That number held a lot of meaning for us, known only to us.

"You should go. My parents will be here soon. I'll be discharged tomorrow, so I'll come to your place to talk more about this. Sounds good?"

I nodded, standing up.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, you still have my number, right?" He smirked.

"Memorized it by heart." I smiled, leaning in to kiss him before leaving.

Just as I was about to leave, he called after me.

"Hey, Gabby?"

I turned back.


"I love you." I smiled, running back to hug him.

"I love you too." I pulled away, quickly leaving the hospital.

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