Chapter 44

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We dashed out of the resort, and a black SUV slid to a stop in front of us. Anthony opened the back door for me, and I hopped in quickly, followed by him.

The driver sped us out of the gates, blending in with the flow of cars on the main road. I let out a sigh of relief, leaning back and closing my eyes for a brief minute before peering out the window.

"Doing alright?" I looked over at Anthony and grinned, nodding in response.

"Feeling better now." He returned the smile.

"I'm relieved to hear that. If it wasn't for you back there, I'd have lost everything, including you." He confessed. I held his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I told you, I'm not giving up on us. If they can't accept it, we'll make our own path. Let's leave all of this behind, find a fresh start somewhere far away."

He locked eyes with me, his smile growing wider.

"I want that too. But for now, let's leave town, wait for things to cool down, and then come back. Sound good?" I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that works for me. So, where are we heading?" He smirked playfully.

"Vegas." I blinked in surprise as the car came to a halt. The driver rushed out to open the door for me.

Stepping out, I saw a massive private jet waiting on the airport runway. I turned to Anthony with a puzzled expression.

"You already planned this?" He shrugged casually.

"Just in case. But I'm glad my wish actually came true."

I grinned at him, giving his hand a playful squeeze. Together, we climbed the stairs and boarded the jet.

Settling in, the jet took off for Vegas. Despite the lateness of the hour, I fought off sleep, my gaze locked on the night outside the window.

Then, Anthony draped a warm blanket over me. Looking up, I found him smiling down at me.

"Get some rest. I'll wake you when we land." With those words and a quick kiss at the top of my head, he returned to his seat.

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to relax and drift into slumber.


A rustling sound brought me back to consciousness. Blinking, I realized I was in the backseat of a moving car. I sat up, turning to see Anthony engrossed in his phone.

"Where are we?" My voice was groggy, and I cleared my throat.

He glanced up, a smile forming as he pocketed his phone.

"We've arrived in Vegas, baby." I glanced outside, greeted by the sight of neon signs and bustling casinos.

Looking back at him, I squinted playfully.

"You said you'd wake me when we landed." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"You were sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to disturb you, so I ended up carrying you myself."

I chuckled softly, looking around as we switched cars and drivers.

"Where are we going now?" My curiosity got the best of me.

"To my place. I got a bachelor pad here. You okay with that, or should we get a hotel room?" I shook my head, grinning.

"No, your place sounds perfect."


After some more driving, we reached a sprawling bachelor pad atop a cliff. The view was breathtaking.

"You coming?" Anthony's voice brought me back. He was already inside, holding two duffel bags.

I followed him in, curious about the contents of the bags.

"What's in there?" He glanced at them before looking back at me.

"Clothes for us, plus essentials. I had my men set it all up before we arrived." I chuckled softly.

"Always one step ahead. You've got me figured out." He grinned, handing me one of the bags.

"Don't worry, I still know your style and sizes. Hungry? I can whip up something." I shook my head.

"I'll just grab a quick shower and try to get some sleep. What time is it?" He checked his phone.

"3 in the morning." I gasped.

"Our room is down the hall."

"Our room?" He winked, making me smile.

"Yes, indeed." He pecked my lips and left.

Finding the bedroom, I opened my duffel, picked comfy clothes, and stored the rest. Anthony returned.

"Find my sweatpants for me? I'm gonna shower real quick." He tells me before heading inside the bathroom.

Phone vibrations drew me to the nightstand. It was his father calling. I left it, but knowing his father's call made me uneasy.

"What's wrong?" He emerged from the bathroom, towel clad.

"Your father called. You should check it out. Might be important." He sighed while staring at his phone.

"You know what? Let's not take their calls. We're far away, from them so let's enjoy without caring about them." I smiled and nodded.

I climbed into bed, snuggling under covers.

"This is heaven. Haven't slept much recently." I felt the bed shift, a warm body beside me, a strong arm around me.

Turning, I wrapped my arm around him, snuggling in. He looked down, smiling.

"We're free now. The next three days are ours." He kissed my head.

"I love you." He grinned, leaned in, and kissed me.

"I love you too."

Freedom was sweet, and I was savoring every moment of it.

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