Chapter 52

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"Just a few more steps and we're there."

I retrieved the keys to the house and unlocked the door, keeping one hand over Gabby's eyes playfully.

"Have we arrived already? Hurry up! I'm bursting with excitement." I chuckled.

The door swung open, and I guided her inside, closing it behind us.

"One... two... three!" I unveiled her eyes, watching her transition from excitement to astonishment as she took in the house.

It had been a week since our engagement, and with our wedding scheduled for next month, I figured getting a place together before the big day was a solid plan.

"Anthony, this is incredible! Is it yours?" She slipped her hair behind her ear, gazing at me.

"It's ours now." I grinned, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Ours?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Absolutely, darling. This place belongs to both of us. We haven't really talked about it, but with our wedding around the corner, I thought it made sense."

I reached for her hand, pulling her closer as she continued to take in our new surroundings.

I purchased this mansion a few weeks back. The idea of sharing it with Gabriella immediately struck me upon seeing it.

The mansion was well-guarded, surrounded by imposing iron gates, security cameras, and vigilant security detail.

It boasted a spacious backyard garden with a fountain, a roomy kitchen and living area, two swimming pools, a hot tub, and even basketball and tennis courts.

And yes, a staggering 25 bedrooms and 5 separate bathrooms on each floor, most of the bedrooms intended for guests.

It was the perfect house to start a family.

"So, what do you think?" She turned to me, her smile as radiant as ever.

"I'm loving it. Moving in together is definitely a great idea."

I swept her off her feet for a twirl of excitement. Gently setting her down, I sealed the moment with a tender kiss.

"So, when should I bring my stuff here?" She arched an eyebrow.

"No need to worry. Your things are already here." I smirked.

"You've moved everything already?" Her eyes widened.

"Yep, with a little help from Jeremy and Liana. Everything's set up."

She sighed playfully. "All of it?"

"Absolutely. Every last bit." She chuckled, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation.

"Well, that's efficiency for you. Anyway, since we're officially here, how about you give me a tour of...our bedroom?" She grinned mischievously.

In one fluid motion, I scooped her up in my arms, eliciting an excited yelp.

"Right this way, my lady."


"Oh God....yess."

My fingers clenched the sheets beside me as my body arched, only to slump back on the bed with a soft thud as my eyes fluttered open.

Looking downward, I met his gaze, his eyes intense as his tongue danced over my sensitive clit.

Just as I teetered on the brink, an intrusive ringing broke the spell, causing me to groan and stare at the ceiling in frustration.

"Answer the phone." His voice, husky, urged me.

"Ugh," I grumbled, snatching the phone from the nightstand and answering with a lackluster tone.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hello, dear. Do you recall a certain appointment you have today?" My mother's voice was pointed.

I pulled the phone away from my ear to check the time.

"It's almost one."

"Exactly. And what were you meant to do before one?" Her voice was playfully reproachful.

I quickly pieced it together: the dress fitting with Mom and Liana.

"Shit, I lost track of time. I'm on my way now. See you there."

I hung up and threw the phone onto the bed, where Anthony observed me with an amused grin.

"Late, huh?" I shot him a glare.

"You didn't think of reminding me?!"

He shrugged, unrepentant. "Wasn't my job. But hey, at least I got what I wanted."

I squinted at him. "I'll find a way to get you back for that."

Grabbing my phone and jacket, I sprinted out of the room, hair a mess and clothes hastily put on.

I drove to the wedding dress designer's office, parked, and hurried through the building. The receptionist shouted "3rd floor" just as I entered the elevator.

Inside, I took a moment to fix my appearance, then exited as the doors opened. Mom and Liana were waiting for me outside the designer's office.

"There you are, finally! Gabriella, meet Miss Baines, the dress designer." Mom introduced.

I shook the designer's hand. "Hi, lovely to meet you."

"Likewise. It's so nice to finally meet the bride in person."

After the pleasantries, my mom's grin widened.

"Did I miss something?" I asked, puzzled by their excitement.

"Your dress is ready, darling. And you're going to love it!"

"Wait, how did you manage my measurements without me? I thought that is what I was supposed to do today." I turned to Liana.

She smirked. "Best friends remember these things."

Miss Baines pushed a hidden panel, revealing a mannequin donning a stunning black wedding dress.

"Why black?" I questioned, captivated by the uniqueness.

"It's a statement. Not many brides go for black. You'll look stunningly different," Miss Baines explained.

Running my fingers over the fabric, I was entranced. "I love it."

They ushered me into a fitting room, and soon I was elegantly ensconced in the dress. Phoebe, the designer, meticulously adjusted it.

As I stepped out, the mirror reflected a breathtaking sight. The off-the-shoulder neckline was adorned with delicate crystals, the silhouette hugging my curves before flowing elegantly.

"I think this is it." Their nods confirmed it.

This, without a doubt, was the dress of my dreams.

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