Chapter 10

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"Seriously? A public threat? Are you trying to get yourself killed, Anthony?" My dad's voice echoed through my office as he followed me inside.

"I thought it could be an opportunity for us. Isn't this what you've always wanted, father? To strip the royal title from the Antonio family? Well, now we have a shot, and we're actually going for it," I countered, removing my leather jacket.

I couldn't quite fathom why my dad was making such a fuss. Since I was six, he'd been telling me about his desire to overthrow the Royals and snatch their title.

Now that I've finally presented us with a chance, he's reacting as if I've walked right into a lion's den. Although, to be fair, with Gabriella taking the reins, it's more like entering the predators territory. Though she's the prey.

"I get it. But a public threat? That's just plain foolish! You do realize the Antonio family is still way more powerful than us, right? They'll come after us, and get us all killed," he paced around while running his fingers through his hair, a mix of dark strands and a few grays.

"Dad, they won't just come after us. Others will target them too, keeping them busy while we execute the plan we've been crafting for years. This is our moment to make it happen," I insisted, meeting his gaze with determination.

He sighed and fixed me with a firm look from his slightly wrinkled face.

"I buried that plan long ago, son. I realized I had no shot at taking over the Royal Mafia. None at all. You've resurrected that plan without a second thought about the consequences. I want no part in it. You've asked for this, and you'll face it alone. Your mother and I are leaving for Italy tomorrow morning. We won't be caught in the chaos you're about to dive into. I hope you're ready for what's coming."

With those words, he turned and left, closing the door behind him. Frustration boiled within me. Why couldn't he ever say, "Good job, son. I'm proud of you"?

From the moment I agreed to lead our mafia, he'd never once shown appreciation for what I'd done for him and our family. I sacrificed years of freedom and the love of my life to get here, and this is what I receive?

He's always dictated what I should and shouldn't do, and I've followed without complaint. Now that I've finally pursued what I thought he wanted—despite the difficulty of facing her again—this is the response I get?!


Sinking into my leather armchair, I let out a loud sigh and stared at the ceiling. This night was one for the books.

How could it not be? After four years, I saw the girl I've loved my whole life. Yet, tonight's events showed she's changed. A lot. She's no longer the same girl, but a confident, powerful woman exuding strength.

A knock on the door disrupted my thoughts. I sat up and called the visitor in. Tyson, my second-in-command and best friend since high school, entered but flinched when he stepped on the glass shards by the door.

"Was the talk that bad?" he asked, closing the door behind him.

"Imagine it. By the way, where were you during the event?" He settled into a chair across my desk, his eyes narrowing at me.

"Me? Well, I'm glad you asked. I got a call when you were busy threatening Gabriella Antonio. I had to leave to pick up the caller from the airport—something she expected you to do. Ring a bell?"

Realization hit me like a truck.

"Damn it, Cleo! I forgot she was arriving tonight. Where is she?"

"Dropped her at a hotel. She told me, quite loudly, that she's furious with you and doesn't want to see your face. Her words, not mine."

I sighed, leaning back. Cleo, someone I met during a mission in Brazil. She was my target's daughter, but fate intervened, and we've been together for over a year now. Not exactly girlfriend material, nor a mere fling, but someone perfect by my side.

"Don't sweat it. I'll handle her later."

"After?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What after?" He shrugged, reclining in his seat.

"Your sentence had an 'after' vibe. Let me guess, you'll handle Cleo after mulling over the Gabriella Antonio situation tonight?"

A wry chuckle escaped as I fake-gaped at him.

"What? Fuck no. I'm not even thinking about her. Why would you even say that?" He kept his narrowed gaze on me.

"Fine. Yes, I've been thinking about what happened. It's not easy to shake off. It's stuck in my head."

"Dude, you just saw your college ex, the one you were crazy about. You two broke up four years ago because it wasn't meant to be. You really expect to just brush it off?" he reasoned.

"Yeah, I know. But was what I did a major screw-up?" Silence hung for a moment before he shrugged.

"I'm not sure. But do you really want to start a war with the Antonio family that much?"

Do I?

"I suppose. Someone's got to challenge them from time to time. Dad's always wished for it. If we're going for the royal title, might as well make the first move and decide the next until we take over."

"But fighting over that with the girl you were in love with? You think that'll be easy?" I shook my head.

"No. Whatever was between Gabriella and me is history. No one knows about that except you, Liana, and Jeremy. We've agreed never to bring it up. Keeps things uncomplicated." He nodded.

"True. She looks good, by the way. Seems she moved on, huh?" A pang hit me.

"Yeah, looks that way."

But deep down, I knew I hadn't even tried to do the same.

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