Chapter 48

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The next day, right after a meeting, I quickly retrieved my phone from my handbag and dialed Anthony's number once again. I'd been trying to reach him since yesterday, just after "the talk" with my parents, but every time it went straight to voicemail.

What's going on with him?

I hopped into my car and drove home, placing my phone in the cup holder as I continued to call Anthony.

"Hey, it's Anthony. Leave a message after the beep."


"Ugh," I muttered softly.

Why isn't he picking up? Did something happen?

I gripped the steering wheel as I shook away the troubling thoughts.

He's fine, right? Anthony can handle things. He's probably just busy.

I parked the car and entered the parking lot, adjusting my handbag on my arm.

As the elevator doors opened to my penthouse, my surprise was evident when I saw who stood on the other side - Liana. She held two glasses and a wine bottle.

"Congratulations!" Liana cheered, embracing me.

"Why congratulations? What are we celebrating?" I asked, curious.

She stepped back, giving me a look.

"Don't play innocent, Gabby. We all know you're finally tying the knot with Anthony! You're excited, right?"

I smiled, passed her, and placed my bag on the coffee table before taking a seat on the couch.

"When did you find out?"

She joined me, putting the wine bottle and glasses on the table before sitting down.

"Yesterday. Your parents made the announcement. There was some confusion, but it's all settled now. So, are you happy?"

I rolled my eyes, glancing at my clasped hands.

"Well, I would be if Anthony bothered to answer my calls."

She frowned, turning to face me.

"What? He's not picking up?" I nodded.

"Exactly. I've been calling and texting since yesterday, and no response. Any idea what's going on?" She shook her head slowly.

"Sorry, no. But his parents visited yours yesterday after the announcement. He probably knows about the arrangement." She offered with a grin.

"That's reassuring then. If he's aware, it's fine. But what if he's not ready for this next big step?" I pondered aloud.

She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Come on, Gabby. The guy's head over heels for you. He's likely counting down the minutes to officially propose."

I sighed and leaned back on the couch.

"I'm here because of this. You need to shift focus from the doubts to your future with him. This is your dream come true, Gabby - freedom and happiness. So, let loose for once."

She leaned closer, uncorking the wine and pouring it into the glasses.

"I can do that," I retorted.

Her look made me relent.

"Okay, maybe occasionally." She chuckled and handed me a glass.

"To your happiness, my friend."


We clinked glasses and I took a sip.


Time seemed irrelevant; we were deep into our second bottle, the room bathed in a warm, fading light.

I chuckled, gazing at Liana as she sat on the floor.

"Hey, Lia?"


"Do you think-"

My question was interrupted by a ringing phone.

"That's you," Liana handed me my bag.

I fished out my phone, blinking at the caller ID.

"Finally, he's calling!" I exclaimed before answering.


"Hey baby, sorry for not picking up. Been busy the whole day, my phone was not with me the whole time."

"No worries. So, did you hear the news?"

"What news?" Confusion lined his voice.


"I've been running around, didn't catch any news. Why? Something bad?"

"No, not bad. Uh, want to meet at the fountain across from our coffee spot? I'd rather tell you face-to-face."

"Sure, I just got back from a meeting. See you there in 30?"

"Perfect. Bye."

I ended the call, rising from the couch with wobbly legs.

"You're leaving?" Liana asked while eyes were still closed.

"I'm meeting up with Anthony. He's unaware of the news, so I'll break it to him. Stay put and don't finish that bottle."

"Alright, Mom."

As I headed to my room, thoughts of the wedding consumed me, a smile playing on my lips.


I returned my phone to my pocket, glancing back at the ring options.

"That one," I pointed at a delicate diamond ring. The salesperson seemed relieved, and I, too, felt the weight lift.

Yesterday, after our parents' meeting, I knew about our wedding arrangement. I'd avoided her calls because I spent the entire day trying to choose a ring.

Finally, I picked one that felt very "Gabriella." I hoped I got it right.

"Did you finally decide?" Tyson reappeared after using the staff restroom.

"Yeah, got it."

He handed me a gift bag, and I extracted the red velvet ring box.

I opened it, the diamond shimmering.

"Looks perfect. She'll love it," Tyson said with a grin.

"Yeah she deserves it. This is the one."

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