Chapter 33

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She began throwing punches at me, but I deflected each one with my arms. I managed to create some distance between us, swiftly turned around, and landed a kick on her stomach, causing her to stumble back.

With a smirk, she leaped back towards me and landed a hit squarely on my shoulder blades.

As our exchange of blows continued, I noticed she was hitting back even harder. It was surprising how skillfully she was matching my attacks.

I had always underestimated her abilities, thinking she only excelled at one thing - being a whore.

Well, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Suddenly, she tackled me to the ground and took a dominant position, striking my face relentlessly. She yanked on my hair, forcing a searing pain to shoot through my body as my head hit the hard ground.

Her threats were intense as she yelled, promising harm to my family and friends. The punches kept coming, and I felt myself growing dizzy with each blow. Blood started trickling from my nose and mouth.

With a final powerful punch, she knocked me to the ground, and I blinked repeatedly to clear my vision, the stars fading away.

Standing above me, she wore a triumphant expression. She moved away to pick up the gun that had fallen. I managed to roll onto my stomach, crawling slowly as my body throbbed with pain.

"Nuh-uh! You're not going anywhere," she yelled.

I turned back to lie on my back, witnessing her approach. She positioned herself over me, pointing the gun menacingly at my face. Just as she was about to speak, a sudden gunshot erupted, causing her expression to shift dramatically.

She dropped to her knees, blood staining her hand. Collapsing beside me, she relinquished her grip on the gun. I reached for it, struggling to sit up, and saw Anthony beside me. He extended a hand, helping me to my feet. I gazed at him with gratitude, then impulsively pulled him into a hug.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine," he reassured.

"Good, it's all over now. They're gone. We're—" A gunshot shattered the moment, Anthony shielding me as he took the bullet in his back.

My body froze as he pulled away, collapsing to the ground.


Jay, who had shot Anthony, stood a few paces away, gun in hand. Tears welled in my eyes as I looked down at Anthony, blood emerging from his mouth.

"One down, one more to go!" Jay's declaration cut through the air. He put the gun to his lips, releasing a wisp of smoke.

Beside Anthony's fallen form, I found his gun, grabbed it and aimed it at Jay. Without hesitation, I fired at him, the bullets striking him repeatedly until he crumpled to the ground.

I didn't stop shooting even after he was dead.

"Argh!" I screamed, releasing all my pent-up rage on his lifeless body. A touch on my thigh finally broke my frenzy. I hurled the gun away, turning to see Anthony's weakening gaze fixed on me.

"Stay with me okay? Don't you fucking die on me Anthony." Tears streamed down my face as I held him.

His smile was faint, and he clasped my hand weakly.

"I'm sorry... for everything," he managed.

"Don't waste your breath. Just hold on for me." I implored, searching for something to stem the bleeding.

As I desperately tried to save him, my heart shattered with the realization that he was slipping away.

His grip faltered, and he touched my face. I leaned into his touch, tears flowing freely.

"I will always love know that, right?" His hand dropped, and I watched in agony as his eyes closed.

I shook him, willing him to wake up, but he remained still. 

"No please don't... Anthony... Anthony!" My cries filled the air as I clung to him, trying to rouse him, to keep him with me.

Time seemed to stretch, onlookers gathering around. They pulled me away, carrying Anthony's body as I looked on, helpless.

"Gabby!" Noah's voice snapped me out of my stupor. I met his concerned gaze.

"What happened?" he asked.

I blinked, struggling to regain my focus. Marco started the car, and we left the scene.

"Where is he?" I whispered urgently.

Noah reassured me, "He's fine. They're taking him to a private hospital. He'll be alright."

Tears continued to flow as Marco drove us away. "Where are we going?" I managed to ask.

Noah wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close.

"We're finally going home."

My First, My Last, My Everythingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن