Chapter 45

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A soft morning light gently woke me, revealing that morning had arrived. The light turned out to be the sun streaming through the window, casting its brightness into the room.

Surprisingly, Anthony had shifted, lying on his stomach with his head resting on my chest, his arm draped across my stomach.

A smile formed as I looked at this scene. I could get used to this every morning. I started to play with his hair, and he stirred awake, smiling at me, his eyes still closed.

"Morning," he mumbled. His morning voice prompted an inner squeal of delight.

I had heard that deep, sexy morning voice countless times back in college when he slept over in my dorm room. Even now, it sent a tingle through me every time.

"Morning," I replied, and he moved closer, kissing me.

He held me tightly, then shifted his lips from mine, trailing kisses down my jawline to my neck.

"Hey hey, not so fast," I teased. He stopped, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What? Can't I greet my girlfriend like this every morning?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Just because we spent the night together doesn't mean you should get ahead of yourself," I teased.

"Bullshit. Come on, we just slept. It's been ages since we fucked," he pouted.

"Anthony!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"What? I'm just being honest," he smirked.

"Well, let's just take things slow. We're starting fresh, after all," I suggested, to which he rolled his eyes and shifted to lie on the other side of the bed, propping his head on his arm.

"Fine. You're lucky I'm patient with you. Otherwise, I'll rip your clothes off one by one right now," he quipped.

My jaw dropped, and I playfully slapped his arm, concealing the smile spreading on my face.

"Shut up! You're not funny."

"Who said I was trying to be funny?"

I shot him a narrowed look, then chuckled, turning to lie on my side to face him, a pillow under my arm.

"Since it's our first day out together, no more sneaking around anymore, what should we do today?" I asked. He shifted to face me too.

"I don't know. Any ideas?"

"Shopping!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Shopping? Why bother when we could just ask someone to get whatever we need? Less hassle," he suggested.

"Come on, we're in Vegas now. I want to explore. Besides, I need to update my wardrobe. Some of those clothes you got me don't fit anymore. You said you remember my size? It's been four years; my body's changed."

He pretended to scrutinize me, then gave a faux-disappointed look.

"Right, how did I not see this? You've put on some weight!" I playfully hit his arm as he laughed.

"How dare you! I'm not fat! I mean, I used to be very skinny like a walking chopstick when we first met, and you probably remember that size. But now—"

He grinned, snaking an arm around my waist and silencing me.

"Now, you're more beautiful, smarter, and hotter than ever. And all this is mine," he said smugly while trailing his hand down my waist to my butt.

"Alright, so shopping?" he grumbled, turning away.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands excitedly.


After getting ready, we headed into the city to shop. We had a few bodyguards with us, not for attention but for protection.

I wore jeans, a white V-neck shirt, a black cap, and Gucci sunglasses. Anthony rocked a fitted white polo shirt, black dress pants, and sunglasses.

We walked hand in hand after breakfast, our bodyguards discreetly in the background. We did some shopping, not wanting to attract too much attention.

Vegas surprised me; it wasn't just casinos and nightclubs. There were plenty of malls and shops.

"Let's check that out," I pointed at a shop with bold letters saying "TWILIGHT." The salesgirl greeted us, and we started exploring inside.

I delved into the ladies' section, Anthony following behind. I picked out a blouse and showed him.

"How about this?"

"You'd look great in anything, even a potato sack. Get whatever you like," he said nonchalantly.

"Not helpful. Let's find something for you then," I suggested.

"Why? I don't need anything," he countered.

"I know, but I'm choosing for you. If it looks good on you, you're wearing it."

We explored the men's section, stopping by the hoodies. I found a white one with a large 'G' on it.

"Lucky you, it stands for Gabriella. We're getting this," he grinned.

We wandered around, picking up items that caught our eye. When we'd had our fill, we paid and left the shop.

"Where to next?" he asked.

"Let's head back, or if you still want to explore—"

"Nah, I'm good. Let's go," he said, whistling for our driver.

We got into the car, and he turned to kiss my cheek.

"What was that for?"

"Thanks for a fun day," I replied, and he smiled, holding my hand as we drove back.

Today was more than fun. This was freedom.

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