Chapter 8

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Some people, I bet if you put them at gunpoint, they'd lose their cool entirely – I mean, seriously freak out. Picture this: they'd be so terrified that they'd end up both wetting themselves and having a bathroom accident.

But not me. I didn't go down that road. And you can bet your life I won't even if I'm staring death in the face, with an audience of hundreds, all packed into one room, held captive.

I've got a gut feeling that I'm tonight's prime target.

And you know what? I'm always ready. Ever since my enemies learned of my existence, I've been their target. Speaking of enemies, guess who's on the guest list tonight? None other than the last person I ever thought I'd see, holding a gun right to my mug.

"Hello Merliah, nice outfit."

Can you believe this guy? He's still got the nerve to call me that!

Merliah – my middle name – has been my undercover alias since college. A name I used to safeguard my true identity. And he's the only one who'll never stop using that name, for some reason. Right now, though, it's not the best time to reminisce about the past.

"Anthony." There, I said it. Took me four damn years to spit out his name.

He's changed, no doubt. A sort of good-bad kind of different. And a bit more grown-up, too. His hair's all neat, like some hot soldier cut. Surprisingly, he's got a five o'clock shadow, which is weird 'cause he used to hate sporting any facial hair back in college.

Well fuck me, I just described my ex, without adding a single bad word.

"What is your problem? This is a major event, and you can't just barge in here with your buddies and start pointing your toys at everyone. Do you even realize there are many important people in here that could literally kill you?" I barked at him.

"Really? Well, my mafia's got a reputation for being the second most powerful, and the most dangerous out there. So, the only people I should slightly worry about is you and your family. That's why me and my boys are here. We came to say hello." He answered, a smirk painting his face.

"You sure you wanna go down that road? You must be out of your mind! You fucking appeared in front of me after four years, and you're telling me you're here to say hello? Right here? In the middle of tonight's event? You've gotta be joking."

He shot me a glare while fiddling with his gun's aim.

"Listen up! I've got a little announcement." He loudly exclaimed to everyone present in the room. "It is now my personal mission to swipe that royal title from the Antonios. Most of you here know our family history inside out, so don't even think about trying to stop me. If you do, it's your funeral. But if you're up for a little fun, feel free to join me. As for tonight, I'm not here to cause any trouble but to give miss Gabriella Merliah Antonio and her family a heads up."

After he belted out that speech, the room erupted into protests and arguments, turning everything into a bit of a chaos.

Dad and mom emerged from the crowd, along with the twins, followed by Liana and Jeremy.

"The hell is he talking about?! Do you even realize what you're saying? I could easily kill you, right here and now." Dad snarled.

"Hate to burst your bubble, Mr. Antonio, but your days of playing executioner are over, old man. I told my father the same thing when he wanted to take you out himself. Now that you've put your daughter in charge, and my old man's done the same for me, it's time for the kids to handle things."

Anthony declared, before flashing me a wink. I couldn't help but scrunch up my face in disgust and shoot him a death glare.

"Seriously? That statement just made me barf on the inside."

In an instant, his gun pointed at the ceiling, and he pulled the trigger, sending a few shrieks and yelps ringing through the crowd.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Merliah. Consider this your final warning. Be ready to hand over that title to me. Let's see if you're tough enough to keep it all by yourself. Just remember, I put out an open invite for anyone who's keen on taking you down. You'll never know who's going to stab you in the back this time. It's a real Deadpool situation."

Rage and frustration surged through my veins as his words sank in. Forget the part about looking different. He is different. And he's definitely asking for trouble!

"Fine! Game on." I shot back.

He smirked, lowered his gun, and began to back away from me.

"Oh no, babe. This is war."

As I watched him retreat, I couldn't help but feel the weight of everyone's eyes on me and my family.

Okay, if it's war they want, then it's war they'll get.

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