Chapter 22

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We drove for a solid half-hour out of the city until we turned onto a deserted road, completely surrounded by trees. Gazing out the window, I watched the forest unfold before us, the urban hustle and bustle fading away behind.

I stole a glance at Anthony, who was driving with just one hand, his focus locked on the road.

It confused me why he suddenly wanted us to work together. Initially, he pursued my title and relentlessly targeted me wherever I went.

If he's genuinely looking to work together, solely to rescue Liana and Tyson without ulterior motives, then maybe he can be trusted.

Still, I'm not quite prepared to place my trust in him again. Overcoming that stage will take some time.

Back during college, four years ago, we shared an unbreakable trust, but things have evolved. We're grown-ups now, matured, both heading influential factions within separate Mafia circles, eclipsing others in power.

I just hope our current situation won't complicate matters and that our shared history remains concealed, particularly from the twins and my parents.

The last thing I want is for them to uncover my past relationship with the very person now sitting beside me as life takes its intricate twists.

As the car negotiated a bend, a magnificent mansion came into view. Nestled amidst trees, it was a sight to behold, tall glass windows stretching from top to bottom. Though lacking traditional gates, a handful of guards, rifles at the ready, patrolled the premises.

Anthony parked the car along the driveway, and we stepped out one by one, marveling at the mansion's grandeur.

He strode up to the entrance and input a series of code on a keypad beside the door. With a beep, the door slid open, and I overheard the twins' subtle scoffs of awe.

Gesturing for us to proceed, we entered, taking in the house's expanse. A sense of relief washed over me; this is where we'd find safety, at least for the time being.

"Upstairs on the second and third floors, you'll find 25 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms. Feel free to choose any room you like. I'll arrange for a change of clothes and other necessities. The kitchen's that way; Alice, our cook, will be joining us soon to prepare meals. Cleo, a close acquaintance of mine will also be staying with us. There are two pools outside, and a gym is located on the third floor, second room to the left.  Explore at your leisure, and remember, if you need anything, just let me know. We'll be safe here, I promise," he detailed, glancing at each of us.

A nod of acknowledgement passed between us before the twins and Jeremy eagerly dashed for the staircase, heading to choose their rooms upstairs.

Turning back to Anthony, I found him eyeing me with curiosity.

"Your phone's ringing." he stated, his tone piqued.

My lips curved into a small smile as I withdrew my phone from my pocket. I was relieved to see Jay's name on the screen. It had been ages since we last spoke.

"Hey," I greeted warmly.

"Long time no talk, huh? How've you been?" I smiled, Anthony's gaze still fixed on me.

"Can't complain. Things are alright, but we've got a few problems on our hands at the moment," I shared.

"Problems? Like what?"

I proceeded to fill him in on the bombing as well as Liana and Tyson's situation. I detailed our latest adversary and the unexpected alliance with Anthony to rescue our friends.

"I'm catching the earliest flight over tomorrow. It's unbelievable how everything's hitting the fan right now. It all traces back to Anthony, Gabby! Are you sure you can trust him?"

I glanced back at Anthony, who continued to watch me. However, his stare had transformed into a piercing glare, arms crossed defensively.

"I'm still figuring that out, Jay. He's our only shot right now. We can't relocate – this guy seems to have our every move mapped out, probably has access to all our hideouts."

"I understand. I'll be in LA tomorrow, to help you find Liana. Just send someone to pick me up so I can join you guys where you're staying right now."

"Sure thing. But honestly, Jay, you don't need to come back here. We're managing, really."

"I get that, but I want to be there for you, to protect you. I'm not completely sure about you staying under one roof with Castillo."

"Alright, see you tomorrow. Take care."

I hung up and turned back to Anthony, slipping my phone into my pocket.

"Just so you know, a friend of mine is coming to help us tomorrow," I informed him.

"What kind of friend?" he inquired, a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Someone I trust. Is there a problem?" He continued to stare me down.

"Nope, none whatsoever. But let's talk about this person you're inviting to stay with us. Who is he?"

We engaged in a brief standoff, his anger apparent.

"He's the leader of the Bloodmoon gang. I trust him because I've known him for a long time. Does that answer your question?" I fired back, my patience waning.

"Do you honestly expect me to welcome someone I don't know and trust into our hideout?"

"And do you expect me to feel the same way about your mysterious female guest? Who is she, by the way?"

"Someone you don't need to concern yourself with. And what about your guy? What's his story? How'd you two meet? How did he manage to earn your trust given that you've always been the type with trust issues."

He bombarded me with questions, prompting my disbelief.

"Mind your own fucking business. Notice how I'm not grilling you about your female companion? That's because I know my boundaries and I also don't give a single fuck. So, if you'll excuse me, I'll go find a room upstairs and pretend this conversation didn't happen. It's clear you've also developed trust issues over the years, so I hope you can sort it out at the earliest to avoid these ridiculous discussions."

With that, I stormed out of the room, walking up the staircase without another look back. I'll pick a room as far away from his as possible, avoiding those awkward run-ins that I desperately want to evade.

Sharing a roof is one thing, but stumbling upon each other at every turn within these walls will be an entirely different challenge. And with Jay's imminent arrival, who knows what new complications might arise.

Here's to hoping our already tumultuous situation doesn't escalate further.

And what's the deal with his new girlfriend anyway?

Can she fight?

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