Chapter 40

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~2 months later~


After leaving the office, I got a message from my mom asking me to head over to the main house due to some urgent news.

It's been just two months since Anthony and I split up, and I'm still mad at my parents and everyone else who was there that day.

I'm still avoiding all of them like the plague, but when important stuff comes up, I can't keep dodging them forever. So, reluctantly, I have to face them when necessary.

I hopped in my car and drove to the main house. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed three cars parked outside: two black SUVs and a familiar black Ferrari.

Frowning, I continued staring at the cars and then closed the car door.

Inside the house, I was about to announce my arrival, but I stopped short when I heard a door slam shut down the hall, coming from my dad's study.

I started heading that way, only to freeze in my tracks when I saw who was marching toward me.

Anthony and his parents.

Ignoring the fact that he looked furious, I tried to think of a reasonable explanation for their unexpected presence. In my parents' house. The last place on Earth I'd expect them to be.

He stood in front of me, hands deep in his pockets, wearing a cold expression.

"Why are you here?" I managed to ask.

He smirked briefly before it vanished.

"You'll see." He brushed past me, followed quickly by his parents. His father called out to him, and his mom shot me a small smile before walking by.

Before my curiosity took over, I hurried to my father's study, knocked on the door, and walked in.

As I entered, I froze again at the sight of the people gathered inside.

My parents, my father's younger brother, Uncle Matteo, and his annoying daughter, cousin Gloriana.

"Gabriella, glad you're here. Have a seat. We've got an important announcement to tell you," Dad motioned for me to sit.

Slowly, I walked in, closed the door behind me, and took a seat next to Gloriana, who greeted me with a fake smile.

"Long time no see, cuz," I offered a matching fake smile.

"Likewise, Gloriana."

I quickly turned my attention back to my parents. "By the way, I bumped into the Castillos outside. What brings them here?"

Dad shared a knowing glance with Mom before looking back at me.

"It's part of the announcement." Their mysterious looks confuses me even more.

"What announcement?" Dad smiled, and so did Uncle Matteo, throwing me off.

Since when do they smile like that?

"The feud between the Castillos and the Antonios is finally over. We've signed a treaty with the Castillo family, and we're on good terms now," Dad announced, putting a smile on my face.

"Seriously?" They all nodded, including Gloriana.

"That's incredible news! I'm thrilled!" I exclaimed.

Then, Anthony's earlier expression flashed in my mind, and confusion crept in.

Why was he so upset about this?

"Wait, how did you manage to do that?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Simple. We proposed a marriage alliance to them."

I shot up from my seat, staring at them in disbelief.

"Marriage alliance? Seriously? Mom?" My gaze fell on Mom, who nod her head with a small smile.

"So, you're all okay with my relationship with Anthony now? Is that why you're arranging this marriage, to form an alliance and put the past behind us? I knew you'd come around."

It was then that their expressions shifted as I finished speaking.

"Actually!" Gloriana suddenly exclaimed and we all turned to look at her. She smirked before she looks up at me. 

 "Anthony and I, are the ones getting married to make this official." 

My heart immediately dropped to my stomach.

"She's kidding right?" I asked my parents in disbelief.

Their silent response suddenly hit me.

"Is it true?" I glanced at Mom, who couldn't meet my eyes.

"Tell me she's lying!" I raised my voice.

"Calm down, Gabriella. She's telling the truth. Anthony and Gloriana are getting married to seal the deal."

Tears streamed down my face as I stared at the wall, unable to accept what I'd just heard.

"Is this your way of punishing me for keeping our relationship a secret?"

Dad's stern gaze remained locked on me.

"Sorry, dear. It's the only way we could ensure you focus on becoming a better Mafia Donna for the family and a leading example to your brothers."

I scoffed and turned my attention to Mom.

"Of course. It's all about being a better leader for you! You have no idea what I've sacrificed to get here, yet it's still not good enough for both of you!"

I shifted my glare between Uncle Matteo and Gloriana before looking back at my parents.

"Do you need to go this far to stay in control of my life?" Their silence spoke volumes, confirming my suspicions.

I nodded and glared at all of them.

"Fine. You win."

I stormed out of the room, not giving them another moment of my time.

I rushed out of the house and caught Anthony just in time before he left.

"Anthony!" He looked at me, then closed his car door.

I approached him, glaring through my tears.

"So, you're in on this too?" I snapped, not caring that I was crying.

"I had no choice." I shot him an intense glare.

"How can you say that?" He shrugged, his eyes void of emotion.

"I could ask you the same. You used that as an excuse to end what we had. We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't given up so easily. So, who's really to blame?"

He strolled back to his car, and I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. I watched his car disappear as he drove away.

I closed my eyes for a minute, reopening them to stare at the ground, tears continuing to fall.

My life was officially over.

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