Chapter 31

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*1 month later*

"If you're not gonna sign it over to him, it's game over!" He yelled right in my face.

My fists tightened as I stared back at him. I rose from my chair, shoving it away, but I couldn't muster any care for it or anything else in this stifling room.

It's been a month, and saying things have been getting tougher lately would be an understatement.

The leader of the Phoenix gang sent us the meet-up location days ago. But we didn't go. They were bringing liana and Tyson with them. In return, I'll give him the signed agreement for my title while Anthony carries out the plan we've set to foil their moves before they can kill us.

They haven't reached out yet about our no-show, which works in our favor. Extra time to polish the plan before we finally decide to act.

"We're not going, because that's my call. If you're so eager to sacrifice for Tyson, go ahead! I'll find a way to get Liana without getting us killed!"

We locked eyes for a long moment before he broke it, chuckling.

"You'll figure it out on your own? We're here because we teamed up to save them. So now what, you're backtracking? The plan's set, everyone's ready, but you're stalling because you're not ready to let go of your title! Is it worth more than your friend's life?" He yelled back.

"I never said that!"

"Then what's the fucking problem?! We were supposed to meet them four days ago, but you held us back! Now they're probably going to hurt Liana and Tyson because of you!"

I scanned the table, seeing the twins looking at me, concerned. Jeremy wouldn't meet my gaze. Cleo glared, while Jay stared idly at the table.

I stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I won't waste another moment in there, absorbing his words.

My bedroom door flew open, and I entered, slamming it behind me, the sound reverberating through the room.

Frustration bubbled in me, and a scream tore out. The room paid the price. Everything atop my vanity went flying, the dresser hit the floor, the bedside lamp shattered against the wall.

Anger and frustration painted everything red. Dangerous for me – I could inadvertently hurt someone, even fatally.

If he thinks I'll hand over my title that easily, he's fucking delusional. It's not a trifling possession.

Losing the title feels like losing a part of me. Years of training, achieving the Royal Mafia title, it's entwined with my life. Surrendering it feels like self-destruction. We were given a month to decide, but I still can't do it.

Regardless of what comes, I'll save Liana and Tyson. The title is my lifeline.

I'll fight, safeguarding my friends and everything else.


After my explosive episode in my room, I took a short nap to regain some energy after wrecking everything I own. When I woke up, it was dinner time, so I quickly showered, changed, and headed downstairs.

Entering the dining room, I saw the twins already seated and eating, with Jeremy next to them playing with his food instead of eating. Jay, Anthony, and Cleo were absent, so I sat down and turned to Marco.

"Where's Jay?" I inquired, to which he just shrugged and resumed eating.

Though I felt a bit miffed, I let it go and joined in on the pasta  dinner.

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