Chapter 27

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After leaving the gym, I headed downstairs and was casually walking down the staircase when I noticed the front door was open. Suddenly, the person I've been longing to see walked in.

"Jay!" I couldn't help but shout in excitement.

He looked up at me, a grin spreading across his face as he dropped his bag on the floor. I rushed over to him and practically leaped into his waiting arms. He hugged me back, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around.

When he gently set me down, I leaned in for a quick kiss, surprising him a bit, but he quickly kissed me back.

As we pulled away, I grinned at him, my arms still around his neck.

"I really missed you. When did you arrive?" He smiled back before answering.

"Just now. Some guy from Anthony Castillo's crew picked me up at the airport and brought me here blindfolded. It's been way too long, and it felt like an eternity since I last saw you." I blushed and let go of the embrace.

As we were lost in our reunion, a voice interrupted from behind, and I turned to see Anthony descending the stairs, followed by Cleo.

"Our main guest has arrived," Anthony announced with a hint of amusement in his voice, his gaze fixed on Jay.

"I'm Jay Santino, leader of the Bloodmoon gang," Jay introduced himself, extending his hand towards Anthony.

"I've heard about you, and also that you're here to help us rescue our friends. Why?" Anthony inquired after a brief handshake.

"Well, I've met Liana before, and she's genuinely nice. And I want to help Gabriella because her friends are my friends too," Jay explained, pulling me closer to his side.

I glanced at Anthony and noticed his eyes linger on Jay's arm around me before turning back to us.

"Alright then. Even though they trusts you to do that, it doesn't automatically mean I do. I've got my reservations about strangers. Anyway, welcome. Make yourself comfortable and be as helpful as you can. Ciao."

With that, Anthony left the room, leaving me a bit puzzled. Jay's face showed a slight frown.

"What's up with him?" he asked.

"Sorry about that. Anthony's been on edge with everything going on," Cleo chimed in, breaking the silence. I shot her a look, realizing I had almost forgotten she was still there.

"By the way, I'm Cleo, Anthony's girlfriend," she introduced herself with a grin, reaching out to shake Jay's hand. Jay reciprocated with a smile.

"Nice to meet you," they held hands for a bit longer than necessary, exchanging a meaningful look.

I glanced between them, then down at their entwined hands, and finally, I pulled Jay's hand away, interlocking our fingers.

"Okay, enough with the handshake. You're acquainted now. Jay, come with me. I'll show you your room," I said, smiling at Jay, while Cleo rolled her eyes and moved away.

"And Cleo?" She turned towards me, raising an eyebrow.

I gave her a fake smile before tugging Jay towards the spiraling staircase.

"Do something productive that benefits you,"

"Like what?" she shot back, I shrugged my shoulder.

"Who knows? Maybe learn to cook or something. Or wait, you can create an OnlyFans account. You've got the looks for it."

Her expression shifted from disbelief to anger, glaring at me.

"What do you mean by that?" I brushed it off and contained my laughter at her reaction.

"You heard me, Cleopatra! Put your assets to use and make us some money."

She was visibly taken aback, anger in her eyes.

"Excuse me?" I kept my composure, fighting back a chuckle as I responded.

"I'm just giving you some career advice, darling. Explore new horizons."

She looked stunned, while I walked up the stairs.

Well that was fun. Although, I do mean that part where she could create an OnlyFans account because the bitch certainly looks and acts like a slut around here.

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