Chapter 23

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I woke up the next morning and glanced around the room, a bit disoriented. It finally dawned on me that I was in Anthony's safehouse, in my temporary room. The room I picked wasn't half bad, actually. It felt a lot like my penthouse bedroom, just more spacious.

A big queen-sized bed sat at the center of the room, with a small nightstand beside it. On the opposite side, there was a modest vanity table and a full-length mirror. The room also had a walk-in closet and a compact dresser. A small balcony offered a lovely view of the forest outside.

Sitting up in bed, I gazed out of the large window in front of me, lost in thoughts about Liana. I hope she's okay and unharmed.

Liana and I had been close since high school; losing her was a terrifying thought. I couldn't bear the idea and was determined to bring her back safe and sound.

After a few moments of idle staring, I got up and neatly made the bed. Then, grabbing my toiletry bag and towel, I left my room and headed down the hallway to the bathroom.

I was about to knock on the bathroom door to check if it was occupied when it swung open, revealing Anthony.

He was only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a towel draped over his shoulder. My eyes couldn't help but wander over his shirtless torso, showcasing his biceps and six-pack.

I'd seen Anthony shirtless a few times in college, but the sight still had an impact. My heart raced, and my breath caught in my throat.

"Keep staring like that, and you might start drooling," he quipped, snapping me out of my daze.

"Some things never change, huh? You're still as cocky as ever," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"And I'm not surprised you've still got that attitude," he shot back, smirking at me.

"So, any plans for today? Are we going to start looking for them, or what? I can't just sit around waiting anymore," I asked, while leaning against the doorway.

"We'll figure something out, try to uncover where this mystery gang is hiding along with Liana and Tyson. Meanwhile, I've arranged for a jet to fly your parents back from Mexico and set up a safe place for them. Happy?" He tilted his head, looking at me.

"Sure, whatever. Just find out where Liana and Ty are so we can deal with these motherfuckers and get this done," I replied, my tone impatient.

"Always ready for action, I see. Relax, we'll find them and ensure those scumbags face their consequences."

After a brief exchange of glances, I cleared my throat and gestured for him to move aside.

"Mind if I use the bathroom now, or are you going to keep blocking the way?" I asked, playfully.

"Go ahead, but before you do, let me ask you something: Did you like the room you picked?" he inquired.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I retorted, crossing my arms.

"The weariness in your eyes and the stress lines on your face tell a different story. Something bothering you?" His tone softened as he looked at me with concern.

"Nothing's bothering me. And even if there were, you'd be the last person I'd talk to. Don't forget, I'm still not happy about what you've done over the past few weeks. This mess is partly your doing. Your impulsive announcement at the gala triggered all of this. Just because we're joining forces to rescue Ty and Liana doesn't mean you have the right to care about me. Got it?"

I lashed out, immediately regretting my harsh words when I saw a flicker of hurt in his eyes, quickly replaced by a glare. He sighed and straightened up.

"Fine," he muttered, walking past me, brushing his shoulder against mine.

I entered the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Taking a deep breath, I looked at myself in the mirror. Tears welled up, and I turned on the faucet, splashing water on my face.

Control your emotions, Gabby. Pull yourself together.


After my morning routine, I descended the stairs to check on everyone. As I reached the bottom, a guard opened the front door, allowing an unfamiliar girl to enter.

She had big, dark eyes and long, straight brown hair. Her makeup gave her a fierce look. She wore white denim shorts and a tight black top, paired with knee-high heeled boots, dragging a bright blue suitcase behind.

She glanced at me, raising a well-shaped eyebrow before turning her attention to someone behind me.

"Anthony!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident.

A pang hit me as I watched Anthony embrace her with genuine affection. I clenched the staircase railing, feeling a twinge of jealousy as they kissed in front of me.

Reminding myself that Anthony had moved on and was happy, I fought back my emotions. We weren't meant to be, and though it still hurts, I couldn't change that.

She must be the person he was expecting. She would also be staying here.

I just hoped our paths wouldn't lead to complications if she learned about Anthony being my ex. The last thing I wanted was another layer of complexity.

Yet, if Anthony had already told her, it would only add to the turmoil I was already dealing with inside.

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