Chapter 19

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"Is this what I pay you all for? To slack off while you're supposed to keep an eye on the house? Three girls just broke into my office, planning to attack me because you were all too busy being lazy!"

I shouted at the group of guards, and they lowered their heads, avoiding my sharp glare. I ran my fingers through my hair, pacing around the room.

"Get out of my sight right now. Out! Now!" They quickly left the room and headed back to work.

I settled onto one of the comfortable couches and let out an audible sigh, leaning my head back.

It's still early in the morning, and I'm already dealing with this chaos. Just my luck.

Barely two minutes passed before I closed my eyes, attempting to sort through my thoughts, when I heard my name being yelled from upstairs.

I furrowed my brows and stood up, spotting Jeremy rushing down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. I'm amazed he hasn't broken his ankles doing that.

"What is it now, Jeremy?" I inquired.

He came right up to me, catching his breath, and pushed his hair back from his face with one hand while the other rested on his hip.

"Liana is missing!" He blurted out.

"What do you mean Liana is missing? She's probably in her bedroom." He vigorously shook his head.

"No, she's not! I checked her room and all over the house, but she's nowhere to be found. I called her several times, but her phone is off. I even checked the security cameras, but the footage is gone, Gabby! She's missing! I just know it. What the fuck do we do?!"

I placed my hands on his shoulders to calm him down.

"Jeremy, breathe, alright? We'll find her, I promise." He finally nodded.

"Okay, gather the inner members. We need to discuss this with them. This is serious. Liana isn't just missing; she's been kidnapped. It likely happened while those girls attacked us this morning. Someone else might have broken in and taken her, maybe working together with those attackers. And I think I know who might be behind this."

I pieced the puzzle together in my mind.

"Gabby, I can't lose her! We need to find her now! I can't bear losing her!" Jeremy ranted anxiously.

"Jeremy, stay calm. We're going to find Liana, I promise."


I tried calling Tyson again, but his phone was suddenly off. My arm had gone numb, and my fingers shook as I dialed Tyson's number repeatedly.

I'd been sitting in the backseat of the car for almost 40 minutes, attempting to get ahold of Tyson to pick me up before I passed out from blood loss. But he still hadn't shown up.

After yet another unsuccessful call to Tyson, I gave up and dialed someone else, Sam, who also worked with me, to come and rescue me from this situation.

After making the call to Sam and getting assurance that he'd be here in 10 minutes, I let out a sigh of relief, feeling the drowsiness wash over me.

My eyes grew heavier, and I eventually surrendered to the urge to close them. The last thing I saw was a black car pulling up and a figure stepping out.

Darkness swallowed me before I could identify the figure.


I jolted awake, feeling a sharp prick on my arm near the wound. I blinked repeatedly and saw Dr. Jessy, the Mafia doctor, beside me with a needle in hand.

"What happened?" I croaked, struggling to sit up. She assisted me and adjusted the pillows behind me.

"You passed out, Mr. Castillo. Don't worry, your wound is fine. It's just a graze, so you're okay. No need to worry." She assured me, eyeing my arm wrapped in bandages and supported by a sling.

"Thanks, doctor. Where's Ty? Is he here? I need to talk to him." Before she could respond, the infirmary door burst open, and Adriano, my third-in-command, rushed in, looking concerned.

"Sir, we've got a serious problem." He blurted, making me furrow my brow.

"What's going on?"

"Tyson is missing!"

"What?!" I threw off the covers and attempted to stand, but Doc rushed to my side, helping me sit back down.

"You need to rest, Mr. Castillo. Your wound isn't fully healed, and the medication you've been given will soon kick in with its side effects. Please take it easy to avoid passing out again."

I shifted my gaze to Adriano and frowned.

"What's the situation?"

"Tyson left a few hours ago, saying there was an emergency concerning you. He went to get you, but he hasn't returned since. You called Sam to pick you up instead. I tried calling Ty, but his phone's off. I reviewed the highway cameras, but some footage was unclear, and some were deleted around the time he left the house."

"Well, who do you think is behind Tyson's disappearance?" He looked down briefly before meeting my gaze, his eyes widening slightly.

"The Royal Mafia, of course. They might have taken Tyson as payback for the Chicago incident. It adds up! The Royal Mafia could've targeted Tyson."

The theory made sense, but what I couldn't grasp was whether Gabby would go to such lengths to hurt Tyson just to get back at me. Granted we all used to be close back in college, but they weren't that close.

Could she be capable of this?

I needed to find out.

"Get the men together, inform them, and prepare to leave. Wait for my approval. Once I confirm that the Royal Mafia is involved in Tyson's disappearance, we'll pay a visit to their mansion first to get Tyson back safely. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." I nodded.

"Good. We're getting Ty back from the Royals."

My First, My Last, My EverythingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz