17: Love or Like

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before I start, I've noticed that some of my readers were confused about the storyline, so I've edited some of the content here and there in the previous chapters. I hope it'll be less confusing and thank you for telling me about the flaws. I really appreciate it.


"Tzuyu-ah," Momo tentatively asked her one January night, "Do you love Jungkook?" 

Tzuyu, and also Dahyun who was present in the dorm at that time, looked up from her medic homework and was shocked by the sudden question. Dahyun raised an eyebrow at Momo, but Momo shot her a knowing look.

Tzuyu looked up from her study materials and said slightly emotionlessly, "Of course I like him. Why wouldn't I?" and buried her head in her notes scattered all over the table again.

Momo' face darkened at her response.

Ever since she had started dating Hoseok a month ago (it's not an important part so I didn't elaborate that much, but let's just say Hoseok confessed to her and they became lovers. ps sorry Heechul), it had somehow unlocked a special power within her. A power to distinguish true affection from fake love. Even though her mind told her otherwise, her instinct told her that Tzuyu was faking her love for Jungkook. 

She couldn't see any logic for that belief, but she trusted herself, and she was right. She could see the lack of emotion in Tzuyu's eyes when she mentioned Jungkook.


She grabbed her phone and her coat, and raced off to the male dorms.

She burst into the dorm room to see all three boys present, all minding their business. Great. 

Hoseok turned at the footsteps he heard behind him and saw his girlfriend standing there, and broke into a smile. "Momo-ah," He hugged her, and Momo hugged him back half-heartedly. He could see her eyes grow distant and unfocused, and that she had something bothering her. He could tell that he was distracted, but he didn't ask her.

Momo detached herself from her boyfriend and went to Jungkook's side, completely ignoring Hoseok's questioning look. She had something important to do, and she could tell Hoseok later.

"Jungkook-ssi, do you love Tzuyu?" Jungkook's eyes, unlike Tzuyu's, shone with enthusiasm and sincere love when she mentioned his girlfriend's name. "Tzuyu's my everything. I love her so much that I even gave up my family inheritance just to be with her."

Momo frowned, "Do you think Tzuyu loves you back then?" Jungkook was slightly annoyed by her questioning, but he nodded without any hesitation, "Yes, I'm sure Tzuyu loves me back. She has stayed at my place before and we've even made out. I can tell that Tzuyu loves me as much as I love her. Why?"

Momo didn't answer, but she stared at Jungkook with horror. So did Namjoon and Hoseok. "Half a year into your relationship and you've already made out with her?!" Jungkook nodded firmly, with a bit of red seeping into his cheeks. "Yes, we've made out, and I'm Tzuyu's first. That's how I can tell you, without any doubt, that Tzuyu loves me."

Momo furrowed her brows, "Are you sure?"

Jungkook almost lost his temper, "Yes I'm sure that Tzuyu loves me! Even if you say otherwise, my loyalty will lie with her and I'll just keep on defending my true love. I trust her, and I know that she loves me back whole-heartedly. See?" 

He showed Momo his phone's home screen, with a selfie he had took with Tzuyu as his background wallpaper.

Her eyes widened with realization, "Hoseok oppa, Namjoon-ssi, can I talk to you two for a while?"


As Jungkook watched the three of them leave the room, he scowled.

Why can't they just leave my relationship with Tzuyu in peace? It's not that we have problems in our love.

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