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A glowing smile that radiated positivity I have never felt, a sunshine that lit up my life. Life was perfect. 

And then you came. 

Life faded from her eyes. Any trace of her past self vanished into the abyss. The 'her' that I once knew was gone. 

I watched her break apart bit by bit because of you, and I watched her drown into that sea of despair. I watched as she withered into a soulless shell. 

And then gone


Because of you. 

You just wait, Jeon Jungkook.

I promise to make your life a living hell and I'll make sure you'll never forget what you've done to her.

Be prepared. because there's no way to escape this time.

You'll regret this. 

Heart Breaker (Tzukook ff)Where stories live. Discover now