9: Studydate

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First of all, HAPPY 2021! 🥳 wishing my lovely readers a fruitful (and healthy) year ahead!


The next day was Sunday, so Jungkook had no class, and he was planning to revise undisturbed for the entire day, when he saw Hoseok picking up his (Jungkook's) phone and punched in some numbers.

Knowing Hoseok could be cheeky sometimes, Jungkook watched him suspiciously and saw him smirk slightly. "Oi! What are you doing with my phone?" 

Hoseok handed Jungkook back his phone and said matter-of-factly, "You should be grateful that I asked Dahyun for Tzuyu's number yesterday, and I've helped you ask Tzuyu out for a study date today."

Jungkook lunged at Hoseok, who cheekily fled into the bathroom, "Are you out of your mind?!" He looked back at his phone desperately, wanting to delete the message Hoseok had sent, but it was too late: Tzuyu had already seen and replied to the message.

"Did she say yes?" Hoseok emerged from the bathroom fully dressed. Upon seeing Jungkook's raised fist, hr grinned to himself and dashed out of the door, yelling "Have fun on your date!"

Jungkook was left alone in the dorm, feeling stupefied but jittery at the same time. Thirty minutes until she arrives.


In the girls' dorms, Tzuyu was freaking out internally. Jungkook had asked her out and she had no idea what she should wear, since it was her first date ever. She hurried and fixed her hair in front of the mirror, and heard Dahyun say, "Be careful when you're alone with him."

Tzuyu scoffed silently. She knew that Dahyun was just being cautious, but she wasn't the type to do anything dirty, even without supervision. Even though Jungkook was attractive, she would never let him do anything to her, especially on their first 'date'. 

Anyway, she had already planned out what she was going to do, and no foolish 'studydate' was going to get in its way.

She quickly grabbed her books and bag, and raced off Jungkook's dorm room. You just wait, Jeon Jungkook. I'm coming.


'Ding!' The doorbell rang, alerting Jungkook of Tzuyu's arrival. He quickly fixed his hair and smoothed out his clothes one last time and opened the door to let her in.

His jaw dropped. Tzuyu was dressed in a short, but not cropped, top and a pair of skinny jeans, clearly showing off her insane body proportions. She had no makeup on, but her skin shone with a youthful glow. In other words, she was bedazzling.

He could tell Tzuyu was nervous knowing that they were alone, and he didn't blame her. Anything could happen.

Jungkook told himself, act normal and tell her that you like her.

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