19: Confession

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For the next week, Tzuyu was acting her usual quiet and studious self, but also silently showing affection for Jungkook. 

Jungkook didn't notice anything unusual, as he understood that Tzuyu wasn't really expressive about her feelings and preferred to show them by actions, but he couldn't help noticing Momo and Hoseok shooting her suspicious looks. Namjoon probably had too, but was wise enough to not make it too obvious.

Finally he couldn't stand the awkward silence, and decided to confront Tzuyu. I trust her. She'll never lie to me.

"Tzuyu-ah," He looked at her directly, "Do you love me?"

Tzuyu smiled sweetly and replied, "Of course. From the bottom of my heart."

Jungkook was right. He trusted that Tzuyu loved him, and that his friends were simply trying to mislead him and be suspicious of her. All along, he knew that he had done the right thing to defend her. 

He muttered under his breath, "Those bitches trying to make me doubt my love." Jungkook thought Tzuyu couldn't hear him, but she did. She smirked. His determined love for her make it even more interesting.

Knowing that his hyungs were wrong about Tzuyu, Jungkook was even more determined to prove them wrong.


Three days later, Jungkook bumped into Tzuyu at night, during his daily night stroll around the courtyard. Tzuyu was sitting on a bench alone, scrolling through her phone, while wearing a sad smile on her face, as it holding back tears. 

Jungkook was surprised to see her there, as he a thought she went directly back to her dorm after visiting his, thirty minutes ago. But apparently she had not.

Jungkook took a seat next to her, and Tzuyu didn't even flinch, keeping her gaze fixed on her phone screen. He peered over her shoulder and saw her scrolling through her photo gallery. 

But what shocked him the most, was that the gallery was full of photos she had taken with Sana Minatozaki, over the years. Judging from how their faces had matured over the photos, he guessed they must had been friends for over ten years.

Jungkook felt even guiltier for killing her. Tzuyu had a single tear threatening to fall, and she didn't even bother to brush it away. She didn't make eye contact with Jungkook, or even acknowledge his presence, but she leaned her head on his shoulder and whispered, "I miss Sana."


Jungkook froze. He thought Tzuyu was reminiscing those memories privately, and he absolutely didn't expect her to talk to him about his victim. He got tongue-tied and didn't know how to respond to her.

It had been over a year since Sana had passed away, but apparently the memory of her was still fresh on his girlfriend's heart. 

"Sana had been my best friend for fifteen long years, ever since we were in elementary school. She was the kindest and purest person I have ever known," Tzuyu said subconsciously, more to herself than to Jungkook. Her lips broke into a glorious beam at the thought of her best friend. 

"We used to hang out every time we got together. Even though we were busy having fun, she had never forgotten to spend time studying and her results have managed to top our class for five years straight. In fact, her tuition for me during her spare times was the only reason my grades could be good enough for medic class. If it wasn't for her, I would've dropped out off school a long time ago to pursue an entertainment career."


Seeing in her vulnerable state made Jungkook love her even more.

He wanted to wrap his arms around her and assure her that everything was fine. Knowing how important Sana was to her, Jungkook felt even guiltier for hurting her. If it wasn't for Sana, I would never have met Tzuyu.

Those memories he saw the two of them make, on Tzuyu's phone, were gone, all because of him. The strong bond between his girlfriend and his past victim was broken, just because of him. And he felt sorry for that.

Jungkook sat closer to her, and lowered his voice, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting her."

Tzuyu tried to contain the pain and hatred in her eyes, as she looked at Jungkook, "I told you. I forgive you. But sometimes, I still miss her a lot." I will never forgive you, Jeon Jungkook. A 'sorry' will never be enough to compensate her loss.

"But," she looked at Jungkook directly, her gaze hardening slightly, "I want to ask you, why Sana, among all people you could've chosen instead of her?

Why did you do that to her?"

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