11: Arranged Marriage

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Upon receiving the phone call, Jungkook's face immediately paled. It was his father, one of the richest businessmen in Korea, and whatever he had to tell him would not be good.

His father told him that he would have to carry out his business plan of having an arranged marriage, to the Park family.

Before his father could reveal the identity of his to-be wife, Jungkook furiously ended the call and slammed the phone onto the table. 

The arranged marriage was a sudden, unexpected blow to him, and Jungkook didn't know how to react. He was furious with his father for not consulting him first, especially since he now had a girl in mind. 

Why is destiny so cruel that it has to tear us apart?


He looked up and faced Tzuyu, who had concern written all over her face. He tried to smile normally, and told her that he had an urgent schedule to attend to.

Confused but understanding, Tzuyu packed her bags. But before she stepped out of the threshold, Jungkook called after her, "Can you help me take notes tomorrow? I won't be in class."

Tzuyu smiled. Finally, Jungkook was asking for her help.


Jungkook didn't get a wink of sleep that night.

Even though his hyungs could obviously sense that something was wrong, they didn't press the point, and Jungkook was grateful for that.

Throughout the entire night, he was trying to find wags to persuade his father to call off the arranged marriage, but he knew that his father, being the strong-headed businessman he was, wouldn't be an easy person to negotiate with.


The next day, Jungkook skipped all his lessons to show up at his father's office, with dead and sleepless eyes. School was the last thing on his mind, because he trusted Tzuyu to help him catch up.

He knew that the fate of the rest of his life and his relationship with Tzuyu lied on his hands, in the next few minutes, in the conversation he was going to have with his father. 

Jungkook promised himself, and Tzuyu, that he was not going to go down without a fight.


"Jungkook," his father announced his presence. If he was surprised or worried to see his son with a beaten look, his face didn't show it. "Are we here to talk about the arranged marriage I told you about yesterday on the phone?"

"Yes, Father. I would like you to call off the marriage, because there is someone I love," Jungkook replied boldly. 

His father, though taken aback, told him expressionlessly, "Then break off your relationship with that girl. The family of your future wife, Park Jihyo, is a business rival of ours, and if we merge both companies with your marriage, we will be, officially, the richest family in Korea."

Jungkook was on the verge of tears, "Please, Father. I love her will all my heart and I'll do anything just to be with her."

His father, clearly impatient, bellowed, "Choose! Choose between her and your family. If you refuse to marry Jihyo, you will not be considered as a Jeon anymore. You will be a shame to our family name and no one will support your education or housing anymore."

Jungkook stammered, "I'll think about it, Father." Before he hurriedly left, he requested for Jihyo's number, which his father unwillingly gave him.

"I give you exactly six months to decide."

His tears welled up when he had left the office, upon knowing that his decision would affect his life forever. 

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