12: Who's Your Crush?

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Jungkook had no intention of going back to the university dorms looking so devastated and vulnerable, and he still had the entire afternoon free, so he decided to call Jihyo. In his opinion, Jihyo's voice seemed loud, unnaturally loud, over the phone, so he was curious to know what kind of person she was. They decided to meet at a nearby Starbucks. 

He was at Starbucks waiting for Jihyo, whom he expected to be in her early twenties like him, to arrive, when a high school girl dressed in school uniform went into the store. Jungkook recognized the uniform as one from an excelling and expensive school, so the girl must had have a rich family background.

The girl went over to Jungkook's table and introduced herself as fifteen-year-old Park Jihyo. Jungkook was bewildered. There was no way that his father could force him to wed a schoolgirl. She's fifteen, the same age as Jieun when I first dated her.

Jihyo took a seat, and without hesitation, Jungkook started the conversation.


JK: So, I'm not sure if you have heard about it, but our parents are forcing us to marry each other, for the sake of their companies.

JH: No, you're lying. There's no way my father could do this to me. He knows that I have a boyfriend!

JK: (sighs) No, I'm not lying, and I oppose this arranged marriage just as much as you do. I've got a girlfriend, no, crush, too. I've already tried negotiating with my father just now, but it didn't turn out well.

(Jihyo tried to contain her sudden anger, and hoped that Jungkook was really joking, but the look on his face was dead serious. Suddenly, her phone rang, and Jihyo picked up the call. After hanging up later, her face paled.)

JH: Y-You're right. My father's really making me marry you. I can't let this happen. I've got to talk to him. I'll text you later. 

(Jihyo picked up her bag and left the coffeeshop.)


After six hours of wandering around the streets aimlessly, Jungkook went back to his dorm, his face a swollen mixture of tears and sweat. He felt his skin blistering under the bright sunlight, but he didn't care. He just wanted Tzuyu.

The door opened, and Namjoon walked in with Tzuyu, who was holding a stack of paper in her arms. "...Jungkook's probably not here yet, but you can leave those stuff behind." 

When Namjoon saw Jungkook scrawled half-dead on his bed, he flashed a concerned look, but quickly left the dorm, leaving Tzuyu some private space with him.


Tzuyu approached him nervously, afraid that he would lash out at her for disturbing his sleep, "Jungkook-ah, here are the stuff we did in class today." She handed him the stack of paper, which contained worksheets and her handwritten notes. He croaked a weak "thanks". 

Tzuyu turned to leave, but changed her mind almost immediately and sat on the floor next to Jungkook's bed, her fingers lightly resting on his muscular, tanned arms.

Jungkook turned his body sideways to face Tzuyu's worried face, and said in a broken, soft whisper, "My father has planned an arranged marriage for me."

Whatever Tzuyu had been expecting him to say, an arranged marriage wasn't it, because she struggled not to raise her eyebrows, "Mmhmm. And you don't want to leave your crush, right?" Seeing Jungkook like that made her heart break, but she tried to show a tough side of herself, to comfort him.

Jungkook didn't reply, but Tzuyu saw a single tear roll down his cheek, and Tzuyu knew she had hit the mark. Seeing that, Tzuyu realized that was the first time she had ever seen Jungkook cry, despite the hardships and pressure she had seen him face before. The arranged marriage must had have a huge impact on him, to be able to crack his hard shell.


Jungkook whispered, broken, "If your crazy rich father forces you to marry a stranger who is almost ten years younger than you and hasn't even graduated from high school yet, all for the family's reputation, will you agree? If you don't, you'll be disinherited from the family. It's a decision between love and family."

Jungkook could tell that Tzuyu was taking the question seriously and thinking hard, and he appreciated it.

Finally she spoke, "That depends on how much I love that person. If I really love her, I would have done anything just to be with her. But, as you say, she's only your crush. She hasn't confirmed her love for you yet. You can't afford to lose everything if you choose her, then have your heart broken when she doesn't love you back."

Jungkook said firmly, "I know she loves me a lot. Every time she looks at me, her gaze is filled with love and trust. I love her more than words could describe."

Tzuyu was confused because she was in the same class with Jungkook almost every day, yet she had never seen anyone in the campus treating him as well as he had described. It must had been someone he had met outside school.

"Who's your crush then?"

Jungkook looked at her with disbelief and a bit of hurt in his eyes, "After all these times, you still have no idea who's my crush?"

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