23: Last Day

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Finally, the exams were over, and to their surprise, both Jungkook and Tzuyu passed with flying colours. As expected, Namjoon had topped the class.

Despite all the joyous celebrations, Jungkook could feel something stirring within him. Something disastrous was coming his way.


It was the last day of the school term, and the last school day before their summer vacation. Tzuyu would be flying back to Taiwan to visit her relatives for the entire holiday, and Jungkook, unfortunately, would not be able to accompany her. 

Since he was disinherited from the Jeon family, his billionaire father would not supply him with money anymore, and Jungkook would be taking a part-time job as a tutor, but he didn't tell Tzuyu, as he didn't want his girlfriend to be worried that he was facing financial issues. 

They decided to meet for one last goodbye, before their separation for two whole months.

"Ah jagi-ah, I'm going to miss you." Jungkook wrapped Tzuyu in his arms. 

They were in the school courtyard, all alone, in the afternoon. Tzuyu responded to his embrace, "Me too." 

She smirked, her face hidden behind his back.

Her heart thumping with excitement, evil excitement, because it was the day she had been looking forward to, for the entire year.

It was the day to get her revenge.


They spent the entire day like a normal couple, kissing and hanging around the school campus.

Despite his joyful emotions, Jungkook still couldn't shake the dreading feeling out of his stomach. The feeling that something had gone undeniably wrong.


It was almost midnight, and they were back on a bench in the courtyard, enjoying their last moment with each other before Tzuyu's flight the next day.

Jungkook smiled up to the stars, while talking to Tzuyu, "Tzuyu-ah, I'll miss you. 

I'll dream of you every night, and I'll try to call you every day, but I'll still miss you some badly. I'll keep on missing you, until we see each other when next term starts.

But don't worry, okay?" He squeezed her hand, "No matter how far we are from each other, I'll never forget you, and I know you won't forget me either. Don't worry, I won't replace you with another girl, just as you won't replace me.

Stay healthy for me, okay?"


Tzuyu forced a smile. 

Her mind was buzzing. She had just heard Jungkook shower her with words that could melt any other girl's heart, but not hers, and she could tell how much he loved her.

Is it really worth destroying him? She scolded herself mentally. This is for Sana. You're doing all this for Sana's feelings, and not yours. Don't let any foolish compassion get in the way.

Tzuyu brushed those hesitations aside and felt guilty. How could I even consider Jungkook over Sana? She smirked darkly, probably for the last time.

It's time to deliver the final blow.


it's really time. the next chapter will prob be released at 8pm kst 😏 (i can't guarantee anything tho)

please wait for me!

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