24: Final Blow

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(finally, the long awaited chapter! as promised, at 8pm kst sharp)

Jungkook noticed that Tzuyu was unusually quiet, so he turned to her so see if there was anything wrong. What she had on her face was one of Jungkook's greatest nightmares.

Tzuyu was wearing a satisfied, evil smirk on her face, as if she was some sort of evil villainess. 

She spotted him looking at her, and the smirk immediately faded from her face, replaced by her usual expression.

Jungkook blinked. That was just a trick of the light. There was no way Tzuyu could had turned evil.

He saw Tzuyu biting her lips nervously, as if she had something to say, but was hesitating of whether she should say it or not. Jungkook squeezed her hand reassuringly, "Whatever you want to say, just spit it out. I promise I won't get angry."

Tzuyu smirked. Let's see if you'll remain that calm at me, once you hear what I have to say.


Tzuyu released her hand from Jungkook's soft grip and stood up. 

She glared at her nemesis, straight in the eye, "Do you think I've ever loved you? Because I haven't." There wasn't a single stutter in her voice.

Jungkook's doe eyes widened with disbelief and shock, "Y-you're joking, right?"

Tzuyu held her gaze and kept her chin raised, "No, I'm not. I absolutely loathe you.

You know how important Sana means to me, and you took her away. You took away the person who made me who I am today. And I hate you for that."

Jungkook stammered, "But you said you've forgiven me already!"

Tzuyu sneered, her elegant expression long gone, "I obviously lied. Any other person would have seen through that lie immediately. Are you really that stupid to think that a single 'sorry' can heal the scars on my heart? To cure the depression I have been going through all this time? 

if you really are, I can't help you."


Jungkook's heart stung. 

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. History was repeating itself. First Jieun, now Tzuyu.

His eyes shone with pain, "All this time, I felt sincere love from you, that's why I keep defending you in front of Namjoon hyung, despite my own doubts. Turns out that he's right, that you don't like me, but even now, I don' believe it. I can still see the love in your eyes."

Tzuyu blinked, trying to hide her forming tears, and attempted a weak sneer, "You're wrong then. I've never had any love for you, every since day one."

Jungkook could feel his heart breaking, "What about those times then? What about those times when we kissed, when we made love?" Tzuyu kept silent. "I felt those real. What about those times when you said you loved--"

He then realized something. Tzuyu had never said 'I love you' to him. "I just know that you love me. I can tell."


Tears welled into his eyes, "If you ever need anything from me, or if I've done anything wrong, just tell me, and I'll correct it immediately. That's because I love you, even if you don't love me, and I'll do anything to be by your side."

He hoped his words could change Tzuyu's heart.

"I gave up everything for you. I even gave up my family inheritance just to be with you. I gave you everything you could ask you, because I love you. I really do. 

Chou Tzuyu, tell me. What did I do wrong?"

Tzuyu couldn't meet his cracking eyes, but kept a cold tone, "You broke Sana's heart, that's what. My loyalty lies with her. You broke her heart into millions of fragments, and yet you never apologized to her. 

Your heart must be breaking now, am I right? That's exactly why I transferred here from the SNU in the first place. To get revenge on you. And I'm proud to say that I've succeeded. 

I've made you fall for me, then broke your heart, like how you did to Sana. I don't love you, I've never did. I was simply fulfilling my duty as Sana's loyal friend. That's all.

Goodbye, Jeon Jungkook."


She looked at him in the eye for the last time, and Jungkook was surprised to see them filled with tears. Tzuyu turned away from him and started back to her own dorm.

"Oh, and one more thing," she turned back. Jungkook felt a shred of hope. "I won't be coming to school next year, just so you know. This is probably the last time we'll see each other." Jungkook felt dejected and disappointed.

"There won't be any need to contact me anymore, since I'll be leaving tomorrow and as you don't have my flight details, you won't be able to chase after me for revenge."

Pretending that nothing was wrong, she smirked. Mission success.


Only a professional heart breaker could had broken the infamous Heart Breaker's heart, and Tzuyu had succeeded.

All that time, Jungkook wasn't the real Heart Breaker. Tzuyu was.

Mustering all his remaining energy, Jungkook tried to stablize his teary voice, and called out to Tzuyu's fading silhouette,

"Tzuyu, I love you."

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