The boy shoved the piece of paper into Teru's face as he clapped his hands with a smile. "Wow! All full marks .. That's amazing Aoi!" He congratulated, it was a massive leap from Akane's previous grades, compared to when he had gotten a 68 in English last term, which was his weakest subject. It had leaped significantly. Which was rather impressive in a weeks time.

Perhaps that was Teru's goal all along. "I saved your wedding, Ao-chan! You're welcome! Now Pres! It's your loss .. And the loser has to do what the winner says." There was a condescending look on Aoi's face as he looked down on the president, almost as if the boy were belittling his senpai with an eerie grin.

Teru froze and stopped laughing as the witch watched from the corner of the room, taking small nibbles from her bread as she watched the scene unfold. It was a repeating cycle that she had grown rather accustomed to.

"I suppose it can't be helped .." Teru crouched down, one knee on the floor as Akane grinned broadly, his phone in his hand with the camera setting on. "Oh? Aren't you a bit eager?"

"AHAHA! Look at this Natsuki-senpai! That's a nice pose you got there, Pres! I'll snap a few quick shots for you while I'm at it, okay? Now to make sure the rest of the school sees this ..!" He had a devious laugh as the maroon haired boy cackled like a mad-man, Nora had an internal count down clock in her head as she watched Teru ready his sword.

"Isn't that ri-UWAH!" Just almost beheading their vice-president as he had a narrow graze with death as Teru's katana had chopped off pieces of his hair, causing it to flutter on the floor as the President had a dark glint in his eye as Akane fell to the floor on his back, shuddering. "What the hell are you doing!? But I thought that--"

"--The loser has to do whatever the winner says?" Teru placed a foot on the boy's chest as he flipped his own card over to let Akane read the overall number that was written in bold. '502 points'

"Wh-What!? Wasn't 500 the max!?" The first year paled as Nora coughed and cleared her throat. "Well you see, your lovely senpai over there, set this up, knowing this was going to happen. In this school, students recognized personally by teachers are able to get extra credit. Teru ended up leaving me behind this morning because he had to submit an English essay to our teacher." Nora said nonchalantly.

"A good system, don't you think?" Teru smiled brightly.

"Uh .. Ah-ha .." Akane backed away ever so slowly as Teru dug his katana into the ground, right in front of the young boy. "So .. What did you say about the photos again?"

Nora covered her eyes as the room began to shine with obsidian static electricity, turning Akane into a human conductor as Teru mercilessly zapped the boy with his lightning, careful to not puncture his soul. "Starting now, how about you practice respect toward your senpais?"

"WAAAGH!" Akane let out wails of help. "Let's do our best and reflect a bit, alright, Aoi?" Teru was ruthless as Nora scrunched her nose up in distaste, beginning to smell the charred scent of his clothing. Akane, being partially supernatural, meant his body was more sturdy than normal humans, meaning, it would take more than 150 voltages to kill him, more than the average human. So he would be fine.

Now sizzling on the floor, smoke emanated off of his figure, a small spark of electricity still remained, crawling on his skin as he let out a groan. "Now, seeing as how I've won, I have a favor to ask you. Are you listening, Aoi?" Teru placed his katana back into it's sheath.

".. Yes.." The vice-president wheezed out.

"It seems in the near future, my younger brother will come to you for help. I heard from Nora what you did for him during the clock keeper incident. So, when that time comes .. I'd like for you to lend him a hand again." Teru said softly. Akane stared up at him wide eyed. "Huh ..?" This was unexpected.

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