"You should hear me out before you keep talking-- I just want us to do our best on the finals. After all, wouldn't it be bad if the president of the student council got poor marks?" Teru tried to reach into Nora's bag of sweets for a red bean mochi ball until his wrist was slapped harshly by the witch in reprimandment.

"As the undefeated top scoring student, you shouldn't worry about top marks!" Akane deadpanned, which was completely true. Teru had gotten first place in exams, finals, and his class ever since he entered Kamome Academy, starting from the Junior High division all the way up to the High school division on which he remained undefeated.

"The same could be said for you. Still, I won't force you if you refuse." Cold heartedly, the president had dropped Akane head first onto the ground with a thud as he plummeted from the ceiling. Considering his above average strength, he would be just fine.

"You're such an asshole .." Akane cursed at him.

"You're just making your own situation worse, Akane. Want a mochi?" She offered him one as he waved his hand dismissively. "What about me?" Teru whimpered as she let out a hiss. Although she liked to bully Akane as well, it wasn't nearly as severe as Teru, and besides, she felt a tad bit guilty for the boy.

They were both in the same situation in which Teru liked to turn the tables in his favor.

"But again, if you wont humor me, I'll have to find some other way to keep myself busy. How about .. what was her name again .. Akane-san? That cute girl in your grade .. If I were to confess to her .. what kind of face would she make?" Teru had a shadow casted over his face as he smiled coyly, watching the vice-president's face pale as he listened to the name of his childhood friend and longtime crush, fall out of the mouth of the sadist.

"Don't you find that a bit low?! You want to compete with me that badly?!" He bellowed as the blonde dusted off his pants. "Yup."

"You son of a ..! Natsuki-senpai!" He turned to the witch who was midway upon biting a mochi ball as she froze at the sudden call of her name. "Huh?"

Akane pointed at the cerulean eyed exorcist who smiled. "Can't you stop him!? He's going to confess to Ao-chan!" The boy cried out as the witch blinked dumbly. "Huh? Why would I? Besides, he'll only confess if you don't play with his game. But then again ... you'll probably die if you lose." Nora shrugged nonchalantly.

Akane let out a cry. "But he's the president! You can stop him! I thought you liked Ao-chan and Yashiro!"

"Of course I do, but there's a reason why Teru and I are still single despite the rumors going around us, Akane. What can I do? Besides, if I get in his way, I'll suffer the consequences too, and I'd rather not." The witch grimaced as she pat the younger boy's head as he slammed his fist against the floor, letting out a groan of disdain.

"Fine, fine. I'll do it .. that's what you wanted, right? Considering that you're going this far, I can't say that I'm excited to see what you have in store for me." Akane sighed as Nora had begun to pack her bags, checking the time on her watch.

Immediately, Akane had snapped his neck around in horror. "Wait-- Don't tell me you plan to still aim for her!?"

"Hm?" He was met with an eerie devilish grin from Teru as the tall blonde male stared down at Akane in mischief and cheek. The vice-president's eyes had widened. "Don't stay quiet you shrewd bastard! You already have Natsuki-senpai!"

Slinging the katana over his shoulder, he waved a hand to Nora. "Well, it's time to go home and study. Let's go, Nora." The witch had gotten up out of her seat, passing the boy who sat there on the floor, trying to process it all before he grabbed her ankles, startling the girl as she nearly fell. "Akane?"

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