Jimin was so absorbed in the moment,he didn't realize yoongi waving his hand at him.

Jimin came back to reality. He was flustered. Yoongi was standing infront of him half naked.


"Huh." Jimin was stuttering.

He was about to turn away trying to run out of the hot room. Suddenly he slipped because yoongi is still wet and the floor became wet.

Jimin slipped on yoongi making both of them fall on the bed on top of eachother. Naked Yoongi on bed with jimin on him.

Jimin once again got lost in those sharp feline eyes. Yoongi too was focused on Jimin's eyes as if they held the whole universe.

Both lost in each others eyes.

Jimin placed his hands on naked chest of yoongi while yoongi's made it's way under Jimin's shirt lifting it up making both naked stomachs make contact.

Yooni saw jimin leaning in so he licked his lips in anticipation.

Yoongi also did like jimin but was being a coward to admit.

Jimin finally sealed their lips together unable to hold back. Yoongi isn't complaining at all. He loved the feeling of youngers lips on his own.

The kiss felt magical.

This was the first ever kiss that was happening with their knowing or consciousness. The wedding one doesn't count probably.

Jimin slowly moved his lips,yoongi doing the same. Jimin did pretty good for a new kisser as yoongi was guiding him.

Yoongi trailed his index finger along Jimin's spinal cord while other on Jimin's neck deepening the kiss. As a result making jimin shiver and moan into the kiss. He sucked on Jimin's bottom lip.

Yoongi took the chance to slip his tongue inside. Both were enjoying it too much lost in the world.

That's when both namjin walked in to call for breakfast. Namjoon was about to open his mouth but jin closed his mouth. Namjoon was struggling so jin signalled him to see first.

Namjoon zipped his mouth up on seeing the couple kissing passionately. They both tiptoed silently to the living room leaving the kissing couple to their own world.

The kiss was sudden,out of the blue. Both liked it. No. Loved it.

They both broke the kiss. A string of saliva connecting their swollen lips. Jimin's lips were swollen from all the making out while cheeks tinted bright red.

Yoongi was about to say something but jimin abruptly stood up stumbling upon yoongi mumbling a sorry and ran out of the house.

Yoongi sat up straight perplexed why jimin suddenly walked off.

To say, yoongi was about to have a serious talk with jimin about his feelings. That

He liked jimin.

Yes yoongi liked jimin as well. The feeling was mutual but none were brave enough to confess.

May be I was out of control and he didn't like it. Hell what is wrong with me. I'm always making him uncomfortable. Maybe he doesn't like me.

Yoongi sighed. He had to bath again.

Jimin ran out of up the house,catching his breath.

Jimin drove off to his secret place to ease off his nervousness.


Why in the world did I do that.

He must think I'm a freak.

Damn jimin.

He probably hates you by know.

It was real this time.

That time he kissed me ,he thinks I was asleep.
But thi was way more intense.

Can't you hold yourself.

Jimin started scolding himself for the stupid thing he did.

Jimin didn't even came back for breakfast. He ate at some cafe.

Yoongi didn't notice jimin not being home after that thing. He was waiting fo jimin to speak things up but jimin never showed up that day.

Jimin wasn't brave enough to show up. He cursed himself for all his actions towards yoongi.

Yoongi waited a long time but sensing no signs of jimin,he gave up and left for work.

The day passed quickly. Everyone returned home while jimin didn't. Yoongi was getting tensed. So Yoongi called tae and Tae told him that jimin was alright and running a bit late.

Apparently jimin didn't tell tae anything as tae thinks they like eachother. So he made up that he was busy and asked tae to inform.

He couldn't face yoongi. So he ate dinner out and went home pretty late. By the time jimin went home,yoongi was asleep on the bed all curled up.

Its gonna be hard.

Jimin thought mentally and plopped himself on the bed. It was a tiring day for both of them but especially for jimin because escaping was tiring.

Yoongi woke up in the midlle of night to see yoongi beside him sleeping soundly.

"Jimin" he called out. But jimin didn't respond.

"He must be asleep" yoongi mumbled to himself .

But jimin heard yoongi yet kept quite. He chose not to talk.


A few days passed by but jimin is making some excuses to escape from yoongi. He is either not staying home or else is learning cooking with jin.

Yoongi was growing restless on younger's behavior but never lost hope.

He even heard about dating rumors of jimin. He was shocked.

There was a headline saying is model park jimin dating singer Kim Jongin?

He felt devastated after hearing the news. He didn't want to interfere anymore. He felt his heart shatter into millions of pieces.

Neither of them talked.

A week passed by like this. Jimin not staying home and yoongi staying at studio.

It was the time for Mini's departure. She informed yoongi to send her home.

The thing yoongi didn't know is  jimin was coming as well.

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