Wanted part 2

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Someone requested a second part to this story, so here it is! :) NSFW warning. Not much, but still. Also, mention of abuse and hating yourself and Shadow Weaver and death. Basically Catra talking about her life.

Catra sighed internally.

This was her life now.

She glanced around, unamused, at the mess that she called her friends. Once again, they were making jokes about her new-found royal status. Catra had half a mind to throttle them all, but decided against it.

She has admit, she'd found it hilarious at first. Her, a princess. Who would have thought in a million years this could be a possibility? Not Catra, that's for sure. For so long, she'd despised princesses and now she's one of them. Oh the irony. Unfortunately for Catra, her friends never failed to bring it up at least once a day ever since that fateful day in Halfmoon. She knew they were just teasing her, but after a few days, it had gotten old for Catra.

Once in a while, Adora would step in and get them to leave her alone, but not even Adora could resist the occasional joke once the couple were alone.

However, Catra couldn't help the warm feeling in her chest when she thought about what it all meant. She finally had a family. A people, just like her. She had parents. Parents that want her, and loved her. That was more than she could ever dream of. Sometimes, it felt like a dream, and any moment she'd wake up.

Along with the warm feeling, came a feeling of anxiety. What if it wasn't real? Good things rarely happen to her. Yeah, she's been on a good streak ever since the end of the war, but the doubt of its validity weighed on her mind.

Catra was bound to fuck it all up. She always does.

Her moms didn't know half of what she did in the war. They didn't know the details of her crimes, or the things she'd been through as a child. Catra was afraid to talk to them about it.

Her new therapist had recommended she did. It would help her moms bond with her, getting to see her raw side.

Catra thought it would only give them an excuse to hate her, send her away. Ever since Catra reunited with her people, they only looked at her as a revered part of the royal family, beloved by all. They didn't know the real her. The evil side of her that hurt people to get revenge.

Once they knew... there's no way they'd want her. She'd be alone again.

Catra would honestly rather have never been wanted in the first place than to have been wanted, tell them the truth about herself and then be rejected in disgust. It would hurt less. She'd hate herself less.

Catra pursed her lips together.

"It's not that big of a deal." She muttered, slouching in her seat.

"Of course it is." Glimmer argued, beaming. "Once your coronation has been done, we can become trading partners, and you can become an official member of the Princess Alliance."

Catra didn't say anything. She blocked out the excited chatter around her.

The coronation. She'd forgotten about that.

This would be the ceremony that officially proclaimed her as the heiress to the throne. The next queen of Halfmoon.

Oh gods above, was that a terrifying thought. Responsibility of an entire queendom. It wasn't like The Horde. No one would be scared into submission. She hadn't known these people her whole life. They weren't her friends.

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