Flufftober Day 8: Cooking lessons

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Adora sighed loudly. She looked across the room, where Catra was playing with Melog, a feather toy in hand.

"I'm hungry." She whined loudly.

Catra looked over at her, smiling.

"You're always hungry, you big doofus."

Adora flopped down onto her back.

"I'm dying of starvation. I need nutrients immediately." She dramatically declared. "I can feel my strength seeping out. I can see the light!"

Catra snorted.

"If you end up meeting up with Anubis and Osiris in the afterlife, ask if how Shadow Weaver's heart tasted after they weighed it. No doubt it was heavier than a fucking feather, and black as the shadows she used. I also wanna know if her final death was painful."

Adora lifted her head to look at Catra. Catra had a smirk on her face, which didn't match up with the words coming out of her mouth.

"Is there something we need to talk about?" Adora questioned.

Catra snorted.

"No. You started it. Now, come on. Let's go to the kitchen and find you something to eat before you pass out and die. I'm not getting blamed for your stupid death."

Adora stood up and the two left the room. The palace kitchen was pretty empty, a few chefs and staff storing things away. Catra went to wash her hands. She greeted one of the cooks.

"What's up?" The cook said, smiling at Catra.

Catra nodded her head over at Adora.

"She claims to be going into the light unless I get her some food. So, here we are." Sh explained.

Adora stuck her tongue out at her. Catra copied her. She grabbed a towel to dry her hands.

"Any suggestions, Princess?" She asked. "What do you want? Sweet? Savory? Cheesy? Salty?"

Adora contemplated a moment, glancing around the kitchen.

"What about those home made chicken tenders you made? Those were really good." She suggested.

Catra nodded.

"Okay, sure. Wanna help?"

Adora lit up at the offer. She nodded excitedly.

"Yeah! Let me wash my hands. I'd love to help."

Catra giggled at her excitement. While Adora washed up, Catra gathered everything they'd need. The cook, named Xara, stuck around, knowing better than to leave them alone while any cooking was happening. Adora was ready. Catra went through the instructions, Adora assisting with making the breadcrumb batter. Catra sliced the chicken, not trusting Adora with a knife, which was ironic, considering Adora used a sword with no issue.

"You know I can use a knife perfectly fine." Adora pouted.

Catra laughed.

"Yeah, when you're focused and fighting as She-ra. When you're being normal, you break everything and fall over all the time."

Catra pointed the knife at her girlfriend.

"We both know I'm better at handling sharp stuff. I have claws attacked to me at all times, so I've had to learn to be careful. Where have you been all these years? You know this."

Adora shrugged.

"Too busy taking responsibility for everyone else."

Catra rolled her eyes.

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