Flufftober day 9:Text messages

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Enjoy :) modern AU btw also, a real convo I just had with friends lol

The sound of a notification made Adora look away from her homework. Her phone screen was lit, a message notification on it. Curious, she put down her pencil and reached out to pick up her phone. Looking at the screen, she couldn't help but smile.

1 text from Kitty😼

Adora immediately unlocked her phone and checked the text message.

Kitty😼: Hey Adora 😈

Adora could almost hear Catra's voice, saying those exact words. It made a giddy feeling bloom in her chest. Catra always had that effect on her.

Adora🐴⚔️: Hey Catra. What's up?

Kitty😼: Just had a weird thought. Wanna hear it?

Adora snorted. She could only imagine what crazy idea Catra had come up with. People call Adora strange, yet Catra could be just as weird. She was a reserved weirdo that kept her thoughts to herself, as one probably should. Only Adora saw the weird side of Catra, since Catra was only completely comfortable enough to let down her mental walls and be her authentic self. She never judged Adora for her weird quirks, so Adora didn't judge her.

Adora: sure, babe. Shoot.

Kitty: Do aliens have gender?

Adora had to pause. Was Catra on something? That had to be one of the most random topics Adora has heard in a while.

Adora:Are you high right now?

Kitty:Mayhaps lol. Answer the question!

Adora grinned, shaking her head in disbelief.
She thought about it for a moment. Did aliens have gender? Do they need it?

Adora: idk. Maybe they don't call it that or use terms like that

Kitty: what if gender is only an Etheria thing?
Like, only our planet has genders. Maybe aliens aren't built like us and so gender isn't a thing for them.

Adora: Mindblown 🤯

Adora had to hand it to Catra. She was clever. Adora hadn't thought of that before. Damn, she was dating a smart girl.

Kitty: I know. I'm fucking brilliant!

Adora rolled her eyes.

Adora: Yes, you are. Also, a brat.

Adora waited for a reply. The little '...' popped up for a while. Almost thirty seconds went by before the reply came

Kitty: BITCH, I am not a brat. And if I am, you like it, so HA! Not my fault that you're not on my intellectual level. I'm too smart for your small brain so STFU. You're a brat!

Adora giggled.

Adora: okay. Whatever you say, kitten. Calm down.

Kitty: I'm hungry. BRB

Adora put down her phone. She turned her attention back to her homework. She got through another few questions when her phone dinged again. She switched her pencil for her phone.

Kitty: I'm back, dummy. So I think since aliens don't have gender, maybe it's cuz they don't need to reproduce physically yk? Like what if they use magic or their essence energy to grow the babies in like an egg sack or whatvr?

Adora thought about it for a second. It seemed plausible. It made sense, considering it's aliens. Aliens might be more powerful than human mortals that only live about a century. Aliens might be built differently.

Adora: well, at least now we'll know what to ask if we come across one XD

Catra: Melog says hi

Attached to it was a selfie of Catra, in all her sexy glory, lying on the sofa of her and her roommate's apartment. On her lap, was her gray cat, Melog. That little guy was Catra's buddy, emotional support animal, and sort of child. He was adorable.

Adora smiled at the picture. She looked at Catra. She could tell Catra was high. She had that look that she only got when under the influence of something, sleepy and relaxed. Also, she had a joint in her hand. The picture was cute.

Adora saved the photo.

Adora: tell him I said hi! Two cuties in one pic? My lucky day ;)

Kitty: shut up. You're annoying

Adora huffed.

Adora: omg let me compliment you! Let me love you! That's all I want!

Kitty: meh. Whateves. I'm sleepy. Might go 2 bed

Adora looked at the time. It wasn't even nine o'clock at night.

Adora: okay, kitten. Goodnight! I love you

Kitty: Love you too, dummy. Night

Adora locked her phone, setting it aside. She chuckled to herself, getting back to her work.

So yeah! Lemme know your thoughts :) I know this was short. Sorry about that.

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