Kitty go purr part 4

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"It's not that bad." Adora denied.

Glimmer and Bow stared back at her, arms crossed, clearly unconvinced.

"Adora, you literally stumbled down a rocky hill, and are currently covered in scrapes. How you managed to come out without worse injuries, we'll never know. Point is, you need to disinfect those cuts." Glimmer deadpanned.

Adora groaned, leaning her head back dramatically.

"But that medicine stuff stings and smells weird."

Bow sighed.

"Yeah. Well, most things that are good for you suck." He said.

The sound of the bedroom door opening caught their attention. The three looked at the doorway. Adora's heart fluttered. It was Catra. Catra walked in. She stopped, taking in the scene. Her eyes narrowed when they landed on Adora, who smiled sheepishly.

"What happened?" Catra asked, turning to Bow.

Bow gave a condensed version of the events. Catra had stayed behind while they'd gone on a routine trip to explore an area they hadn't mapped yet. While she partially listened, Catra walked over to Adora. She examined the damaged, jerking the taller woman here and there. Once getting the info she needed, she hummed.

Catra climbed onto Adora's lap. She grabbed an arm and started to lick Adora's wounds. Adora didn't seem fazed by it in the slightest. When Adora looked at the other two, she knew she had better explain Catra's seemingly random behavior. Glimmer and Bow were staring at Catra with the most bewildered look, as if they were trying to comprehend how the events led up to this.

Adora snorted.

"It's normal for her. Apparently Magicats have healing qualities in their saliva. I asked Micah about it."


Bow shrugged in acceptance.

"Well, that solves that problem." Glimmer smiled, taking a seat.

Adora giggled when Catra started on her cheek.  Catra growled in annoyance.

"Hold still." She scolded.


Adora jumped. The pencil and notebook in her hand were forgotten. She stood up at the sudden sound of her name. Catra bounded towards her. Stopping in front of the blonde warrior, Catra beamed excitedly.

"I have something so cool to show you!" She gushed, grabbing Adora's hand and dragging her out into the hall.

Adora noticed her excitement, and let Catra drag her down the hall. She could hear Catra purring. It must be really good to make Catra so happy. Whatever it was Catra wanted to show Adora, Adora was going to like it even if it killed her.

The two entered Glimmer's room. Adora's curiosity grew. Since when did Catra get outwardly excited about anything in Glimmer's room? Coming to a stop, Catra motioned in front of them. Adora raised a brow.

The only thing that stood out to her was a clearly amused Glimmer and Bow, and a giant cardboard box. Adora looked at Catra.

"And um... what exactly is it that you want me to notice?" She asked.

Catra frowned. She pointed at the box.

"See?" She said, as if that answered any questions Adora had.

Adora stared at the box. Walking up to it, Adora peered inside. It was empty. She glanced over her shoulder at Catra, who was practically bouncing with joy. It took a moment, but Adora understood. She laughed, turning to face her girlfriend.

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