A prank gone wrong

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Glimmer was bored. It was the weekend, so no classes. The whole squad was there at Glimmer's house, chilling out.

It was as lively as it could be during a snowstorm. All their friends were spread out throughout the mansion, doing whatever they pleased with the entertainment available to them. They seemed to be perfectly fine on their own. Glimmer was snuggling with Bow, both of them on their phones, sharing TikToks and laughing.

Glimmer scrolled through her For You Page. She came across an cat video. It was a sort of challenge or experiment. The person went into a room and closed the door, locking the cat out of it, to catch their reaction on camera. The cat meowed and stared at the door before eventually finding the phone and then walking out. Glimmer snorted. Animals were weird.

She lifted her eyes from her phone. She saw Adora sitting across from her, playing on her game console, oblivious to the world. An idea came to her.

"Adora." Glimmer spoke up, nudging the blonde with one of her feet.

Adora's head lifted.


Glimmer looked over at the open door, to make sure Catra wasn't there. It was only a matter of time before the magicat showed up. Those two idiots couldn't stay apart for very long, following each other around like lost animals.

No pun intended for Catra.

Glimmer turned to Adora, sitting up.

"I want to see Catra's reaction to something." She said, a little too excited. "All you gotta do is walk into a room when she follows you and close the door and lock it so she can't get in. Don't say anything. Just do it and we'll see. I want to see what she does."

Adora raised a brow.

"Um, ok? Why?"

Glimmer shrugged. "I'm bored and I wanna see if she'll break down the door or something."

Adora shrugged.

"Um, sure."

They waited for Catra to walk in. When she did, Adora greeted her and stood up. She walked towards the closest room. Of course, Catra, happy to be wherever Adora was, followed. When Adora closed the door behind her, Catra stood there in shock.

Catra tried the door knob, but it wouldn't budge. Catra knocked on the door.

"Adora?.... hey, dummy?..... Adora?"

Glimmer almost felt bad. Almost. Catra stared at the door, fidgeting. She suddenly turned on her heel and quickly walked out of the room. Glimmer paused when she saw Catra's eyes filled with tears. That couldn't be good. Glimmer and Bow looked at one another.

It was at that moment, Glimmer knew she fucked up. Getting to her feet, she hurried over to knock on the door Adora had went through.

"Adora! I think we made Catra cry!" She called, panicking.

The door slammed open a second later, Adora looking just as alarmed. Even worse.

"What do you mean she's crying? What happened?"

Glimmer threw her hands up.

"I don't know! It was just a joke! She looked upset and she walked out."

Bow stood up, trying to be the voice of reason.
He sighed, pocketing his phone.

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