Rich girl/poor girl high school AU part 4

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"Are you sure your moms won't get mad?"

Catra rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure, blondie. You said you needed groceries. So we got food. Now, chill out."

On the way home from the mall, Adora mentioned if they could stop at the supermarket at get some stuff. Catra then bought enough food to fill a refrigerator. Adora had worried that Catra wouldn't have enough money left.

Of course, Catra had more than enough, but she still refused to let Adora see the price at the checkout. They were finally on their way home. Catra was exhausted, but kept it together. She didn't want Adora to feel like Catra's exhaustion was her fault. Catra had been glad to spend the afternoon with her and would do it again.

Pulling up to Adora's neighborhood, Catra had to resist the urge to comment. This was practically the slums. The homes were small and broken down. On the way there, they'd passed four corners with a homeless person standing there.

"The white one up there." Adora directed softly.

Catra nodded and pulled up to the house. Parking, Catra looked out the window at the home. It was just as in poor shape as the rest of the block. Worn and chipped paint, dead grass, broken down front stairs. There was plastic covering one of the windows, probably a replacement for a window.

Catra unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Let's grab your stuff." She told Adora.

The girls gathered Adora's shopping bags from the trunk and headed into the house. Entering the home, Catra noticed it was much nearer than on the outside. Cleaner, too.

"Mom? I'm home!" Adora called out.

Catra let Adora lead the way. They walked down the hall and entered a bedroom. Lying on the bed, was a woman.

Must be Adora's mom.

"Hey, Mom." Adora greeted.

The woman did look sick. She had on a robe and was prompted up by a few pillows. Her red hair was in a messy bun. She looked just like Adora. Beautiful, too. The woman smiled at the girls.

"Hey, sweetie. Had fun?"

Adora put down the bags she was carrying and went over to the bed. She sat down on the bed, leaning over to let her mom kiss her cheek. The sweetness made Catra smile.

"I did." Adora replied. "I want you to meet Catra."

Adora looked at Catra, waving her over. Catra put down the bags and approached the two. Adora's mom smiled gently at her. Catra noticed she looked in pain, but held back.

"Mom, this is Catra. She's the one who took me shopping with no choice on the matter."

Catra heard the humor in Adora's voice. Catra smiled at the woman.

"Hello, ma'am." She greeted politely. "Thanks for letting Adora come with me. We bought tons of new clothes."

"Please", the woman said. "Call me Marlena. Thank you for doing this. It means so much."

Adora lit up.

"We even picked out some stuff for you too!" She gushed, rushing to the bags. Adora then spent some time, showing her mom all the things they'd gotten. Marlena looked every happy with the items. She loved the clothes Adora had picked out, including socks and shirts and pants and winter items.

"Well, I'm very grateful to you, Catra." Marlena told Catra. "You have no idea how much this means to us. Thank you. It's been hard ever since the my husband's death. I get social security disability checks, but it's barely enough. This was a big help."

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