A 2nd chance at childhood part 2

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George sighed, resting his chin on his palm.

"Of all the things I miss about taking care of a baby, it definitely isn't losing sleep."

George, Lance, Adora and Bow had spent the night taking turns looking after Catra. Feeding her, changing her. Melog helped whenever Catra woke up, crying. They would either soothe Catra back to sleep or take her to one of the humanoid caretakers if it was needed. None of them had ever thought they'd see a baby Catra being carried by the scruff in Melog's mouth.

Adora was taking the schedule much better than Bow. She explained that during her life in he Horde, there would be regular random drills in the middle of the night. Shadow Weaver said it was to prepare them for a surprise raid or whatever. They just added it to the long, long, long list of things that were fucked up about the Horde.

Bow was nearly drowning in his cereal by late morning, nearly dead asleep as soon he sat down. Adora was yawning a bit and didn't talk as much at the breakfast table, but was pretty much awake after a while. Lance and George had their coffee and were good to go.

The others looked at one another, unsure what to say. Glimmer lifted Bow's head out of the bowl, wiping the milk with a napkin.

"So... how was last night?" She asked.

"It went well." Lance spoke up. "It definitely helped to have Melog around. They could tell whether or not Catra needed us when we weren't taking care of her. It also helped that they don't need to sleep so they could come get us if we fell asleep when it was feeding time again."

Glimmer bit her toast, humming in interest.

"That's good. I'm guessing Bow wasn't much help."

She snorted, glancing at her boyfriend. Bow was dead to the world. She'd have to get him to bed. Lance chuckled.

"He was fine the first couple of hours, but once the after midnight hours came about, he couldn't stay awake. Knocked out by two am. Adora, on the other hand, was a trooper. I shouldn't have been surprised. She was set on helping."

Adora shrugged.

"She's my girlfriend. I'd feel weird not helping. If I don't think about it too much, it's not weird."

"We all know Adora would do anything to help Catra." Mermista spoke up. "Plus, it's not like Catra can talk, so she can't say no. Where is that furball, anyways?"

George pointed a thumb over his shoulder. Everyone that was curious looked where he was pointing. Off by one of the edges of the room, was Melog and Catra, curled up together. Melog noticed the attention and looked back at them for a second. Then they turned their attention to Catra, who was waking up from another sleeping interval.

"When Melog imprinted on Catra, I didn't think that meant they knew how to raise kittens." Adora stated. "They act like Catra is their baby or something. Even when she was an adult."

Everyone but George, Lance and Bow gave Adora a 'bruh' look.

"Catra does the same to you." Netossa noted. "She's always trying to make you happy and take care of you when you don't notice."

Adora blinked.

"Huh. I really am oblivious." She mumbled.

Shaking her head, she decided to focus on Melog, who was coming over to the table, Catra in their mouth.

"What's up, buddy?" Adora asked. "Does Catra need something?"

Melog carried Catra over to Adora. Setting the wiggling kitten down on her lap, Melog sat down, grooming themselves. Adora held Catra up to her face.

"Good morning, kitty. We got through the first night. You're still so cute, baby. I love you."

Adora suddenly noticed something. She softly gasped in realization.

"Her eyes are open!" She told everyone.


Bow was suddenly awake. Adora turned Catra so she was facing the rest of the table. Lance and George leaned over to see closer. Everyone was just as eager to see Catra. Catra's eyes were open, about halfway. She still wiggled like a worm, her little squeaks and mewls louder than before.


George was handed Catra. He smiled, looking at Catra's ever-exhausted looking face that kittens seemed to wear.

"Look at you, little one. Soon you'll be able to see us and hear us." He cooed.

"Can she not hear or see us still?" Scorpia asked.

"Magicat kit eyes and ear don't fully open and adjust until a few more days later. She's still very much dependent on us."

"Let's hope Entrapta finds a solution to this soon." Glimmer sighed.

Catra took the opportunity to let out a tiny, quiet sneeze. If it weren't so quiet in the room, they wouldn't have heard it. It surprised everyone, making them all look at Catra. Catra sneezed again, shaking her head.

"Awww! Baby sneezes!" Bow squealed. "Even cuter than her normal sneezes. Wish I could've gotten it in video."

George smiled at him.

"I'm sure there'll be plenty of time to video her. In fact, let's take some pictures right now. Her eyes being open is a great milestone and I want to document this."

Adora looked at him, confused. Why would opening your eyes need a celebration of any kind. It's just eyes. There were many things she still didn't understand about normal society and it showed. Did parents normally care about the small stuff?

"Why?" She asked. "It's only opening her eyes. That doesn't seem very important to need to have recorded."

George looked like she was crazy. Lance seemed more understanding of her logic.

"Some parents record or document milestones like this because it makes for good memories. A baby's first steps, first words, first everything is just for us parents to look back on for nostalgia, really. Can't really explain it much better."

Lance reached over and pet Catra.

"I'm assuming that the Horde never took baby pictures of you growing up." He said.

Adora thought about it. She couldn't remember anytime they took a picture of the cadets other than for their files, which were updated every year. Nothing for "nostalgia". That was impractical, but Adora guessed she could see the appeal for that. She's definitely want to have pictures of baby Catra to look at when this was all over. Not that she'd ever forget what Catra looked like when they were kids. That would stick with her forever. However, this was a special situation. Having George and Lance taking care of Catra and being very affectionate with her is certainly interesting to see.

Growing up as orphans, they'd often wondered what it would've been like to have parents. Catra talked about it more, always claiming to not care who they were. Now, Adora knew that Catra had been lying. Growing up being treated the way Catra was, it was understandable why she'd long for a loving family that wanted her. Maybe this was Catra's chance for a redo. She of all people deserved one.

Adora glanced at Catra, in George's hands, the man looking overjoyed and like all was good in the world. It warmed Adora's heart.

"Yeah. I can see your point. Alright. Smile for the camera!"

So yeah. Lemme know your thoughts on this :)

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